Music within Dreams?

Whenever I am in a dream, near the end, someone often sits down and plays piano, or I hear music from somewhere. My alarm is this piano song that I wake up to every morning, so when a person sits down to play it on the piano, they tell me, “this is your alarm, you should wake up now.” I then wake up instantly.

My question is could I somehow not wake up? What if I set my alarm for the middle of the night and hear it in my dream, but don’t wake up? It seems to me that it would cause a LD.

I got the same effect, with timber, as my alarm is timber.

In my dream i hear timbers, i take out my ipod (in the dream) and wake up.
You could use it if only the sound wasn’t waking you up…

Well, if you are going to train yourself to not wake up to piano music, I would change your alarm :tongue:. If you do notice a trend like this, start to anchor yourself by rubbing your hands the second you hear it. Tell yourself that it is your dream, and it will end when you want it to.

Thanks for the tips…I’m excited to try it out! :content: