music you've never heard before in the HI stage

sometimes as I pass into sleep it is common for me to hear some of the most beautiful piano music. I dont recall ever hearing the music before and my question is “is my brain composing this music” I used to play piano (not anymore) but never to the level of the music I can hear. Do any of you experience this? btw one day i would love to sit down and figure out on the piano what I hear.

I’ve heard blues music once :eek: really clear blues music. I never listen to blues so… no idea where if came from. Maybe I heard it somewhere when I was younger, or maybe I just made it up right then and there.

I sometimes hear very good orchestrated music as I’m falling asleep. It seems far more intricate and beautiful than anything I could conceive while fully awake. Unfortunately, when I hear any hypnagogic music, the tune of it quickly fades away in my memory before I can recall it. On a few occasions I’ve memorized a simple tune that I rather liked, but I never bothered to write one down.

One time I dreamt about a band who were performing a rock song. It was THE best song I have ever heard. I don’t remember it anymore and all I had time to write down is two lines of the lyrics. I thought that maybe I heard the song before and looked up the lines that I had, but nothing at all came up. I concluded that the song was somehow made in my head. I wish it would happen again, but I haven’t experienced anything like this since.

What’s so unfortunate about hearing music in the HI stage and in dreams is that no matter how great it sounds at the time, almost everyone seems to forget it afterwards. :neutral: This has happened to me on several occasions; during dreams, HI, and even in another instance.

This was completely different; instead of being in the HI stage, I was in my bed, but fully awake. My SC took some control, but it was more in the form of my imagination than HI, and my concious mind was standing right by, just observing and making comments. I had managed to create my own music, something that I normally cannot do in real life, and it was great, too.

One time, it seemed to be an opening to a movie, starting out with a scene of an ocean, taken underwater, but looking upwards. At the time, the music was very calm, and it sounded as if something were being sung by a woman. There were no lyrics, (if there were I would have forgotten anyway) just melodies. Afterwards, the singing faded, and everything seemed to have picked up in pace. A lot of scenes were changing quickly, and it was fast paced and entertaining. I suppose I could describe it was fast drumming of some sort, but that wouldn’t capture it exactly. Just then, I heard a shower go on down the hallway, and everything suddenly faded away from me. :bored: That is one shower that I will never forgive my sister for taking. :razz:

As for another time, I created fast paced and exciting piano music, possibly only a couple of days after the first time this has happened. What’s ironic is that at the time, I thought this was too good to forget. :roll: Of course, guess what? I forgot! :ack:

This has only happened to me about twice, so I don’t have some sort of great talent, unfortunately. It was strange though; a mixture of the creativity of my SC, and the tweaking and slight control of my concious mind mixed together to produce interesting results. :hmmm:

:eek: This turned out to be a long post. ^^

This happens to me occasionaly. The last time was recent, a few weeks ago. When drifting back to sleep early morning i heard very cool music. Like a radio was on. It was a song, rock kinda music. (i never listen to music IRL, i prefer silence).

Anyhow, this continued, it was really really nice, like i had a radio in my head. It turned into a FA where I had a radio on my nightstand. Actually i WILDed since I knew i was dreaming.

So you can WILD with hypnagogic sounds as well :happy:

I think this just shows how creative your mind is while falling asleep ( now only if we could do this while awake :tongue: ) There would be mozarts and picassos everywhere lol

Oh, I agree. :yes: Our minds are more creative than we think; it’s just too bad it’s very seldom that we get to express that.

As for my own dreams, I’ve had another dream in which music was involved last night; it involved someone playing the bongos this time. :cool:

I get this a lot. It is the brain randomly generating the music do try and capture you in a daze and lead you unconsciously into your dreams. Don’t become attached to the music. Just keep focussing, yet staying relaxed and you’ll be in a WILD soon.

What’s interesting is that I’ve learned I can actually influence the music just be thinking about it. I made saxaphone solos, guitar riffs and other cool thing, just by imagining how it would sound.

I had this a few dreams ago. I remember playing a 12 string guitar, (which I don’t play), and I got an excellent sound going.

Also, has anyone heard the Queens song, “The Prophet’s Song”? Brian May apparently got most of the lyrics from a dream he had. He spent several days piecing the music back together.