
i play guitar, piano, trumpet, mandolin, i sing too, oh yeah i can also play the banjo, the ukallele (i have no idea how to spell it).


I am more into acting :adored:

Used to play the flute alot have just recently taken it up again, Its hard after not playing for a while, oh well.

I make music with my crazy computer, so check it out here. I have a site, and also I’m going to make a better layout, so ignore it’s crappiness:

For anyone who plays piano, this is a link to an extremely useful free book. The methods may actually translate to other instruments.

Fundementals of Piano Practice II.

It’s whorth reading, or at least skimming the intro.

I make some techno songs with cool edit pro… all weak of course.

I have about 2 years experiance on guitar and I practice often.i’ve written a few songs… terrible lyrics but ok music.

I’ve played the guitar for 6 years or so, and I’ve been doing music on my computer since then as well. I started out with trance back then but now I mostly do sample based stuff ranging form hip hop to deep house.

I play guitar, my main influences at the moment are Dark Tranquillity and In Flames (Swedish melodic death metal kicks ass)

I have a few recordings at
WARNING - They are badly recorded… and only a few of them dont suck
moo.mp3 and untitled3.mp3 are my songs… they are pretty average, and i suck at composition.

I used to play guitar in past. Unfortunately i cannot practice it now as i got no guitar atm :eh:

Guitar and piano. I’m terrible at both :content:

i play the guitar blues,classic rock,metal, and classical
\m/ 0_0 \m/

I played guitar for 5 years, but now I dont do it anymore, the fact that I don’t have a band killed my motivation, and now I sing in a choir.

Not really too good at playing an instrument. I used to know some people who did, the basis for most of the songs revolved around the sounds of old computer games we played. (Donkey Kong and Starfire being the major)

Yeah, I play “Mutant Turtle Ninjas” theme in the guitar, and I make a heavy-like sing, hahah, that always makes all my friends laugh

guess which instrument I play

i play the guitar… yea its cool

Guitar, Sitar, violin, viola, cello, and electric bass.

                 A picture of my guitar, Brian May model.
      [ ... ms/BHM.bmp](

I may post a sitar link if I can summon the energy to bring it upstairs, take its picture with my crappy webcam, put that in photobucket, and put that link here. Big may on the sitar.

I’ve been playing drums for a little over two years, and bass for about 6 months. I’m drumming in a new band this summer, if you want to hear my basement recording of our worst song, check out my website.
Yeah I didn’t think you did. I have a stupid sense of humor, so typically whenever I try to write something outside of the band setting, it’s a joke.
Example: Last thing I recorded was a cover of “What Went Wrong” by Blink 182, except it has 6 layered vocal tracks (I am a terrible sing), a key board demo drum beat, an out of tune acoustic, and a reverb/phaser effect on almost everything.
I don’t like the song, so I felt the need to destroy it.
If you ever somehow are unfortunate enough to listen to it, I know that next time you have sleep paralysis, you won’t hear tapping, or footsteps, or demons growling; you’ll hear that song.

Very weird, I always wanted to play the flute (this was when I was little) and I knew that I some day would. And I do. :hyper: My favorite songs are band arrangements!!!

I play the bass guitar and that’s about it as far as instruments go.