i’m fairly new to this site and many of you will not know me, but i have been struggling with lucid dreaming for a little more than a year. i first heard about it on the guitar.com forums. some guy was telling about this really awesome experience he had called a lucid dream, which i had never heard of before. so, i researched and found this site and a billion others and got really interested in it. i didnt have any success at 1st and soon gave up. then i started back up again and here i am now!
My LD last night was very cool. it was also quite long for a 1st timer like me. i’d say it was probably 20 minutes. it started by me waking up in the dream and looking at my alarm clock and noticing the numbers kept changing and stuff. i also looked at my hands and saw 11 fingers on each hand! (looking at your hands is an excellent RC). So i got up and walked around. i tried to poke my finger through the wall, but no success. i also tried to fly, and still on success. it takes practice though right? I walked outside and around my neighborhood and then woke up.
one of the most amazing experiences of my life!! i’m so excited and can’t wait to get back to sleep
Congratulations on your 1st ld, bigjedman. Most lder’s have times when they think about giving up when they first start out. I even gave up myself once. I’m glad though, that you decided to stick with lding. It can be very rewarding if you’re willing to put effort into learning the techniques. Don’t worry about not being able to do much in your first ld. You will get better with time and experience. The key to doing anything in a dream is believing that you can.
another thing that was kind of strange was that i got BORED in that LD! i couldn’t think of anything to do! i was just standing in the middle of my kitchen trying to think of something to do. that was when i finally decided to just get out of the house and walk around my neighborhood
That’s amazing. I can state with confidence that this has absolutely never happened to me. Even if nothing fun immediately presents itself, I’m always so perpetually dazzled by the realism of the environment that I’m content merely leaning close to things examining their detail, or playing around with their appearance using ‘dream magic’.
Anyway, congrats on your success. It only gets better.