I started to try to lucid dream around a month or two ago and i use a set of RCs the first one is i look at my hands to see if their is anything different the second is i try to bend my fingers all the way back or put my finger through the palm and the third is i will plug my nose and try to breath through it but a few weeks back i had a dream were i was with a friend of mine and i remember i was about to look at my hands and do a reality check witch might of made me become lucid but just before i did my RC my friend the DC said to me “Wow ryan your hands look really burnt” so then when i looked at my hands they were bright red and that should of made me realise it was a dream but because of the DC telling me it was going to look red i took it to be normal and the dream went on as normal
what im saying is that it seems like my SC is trying to keep me out of my dreams, has anyone had an experience like this are is this just something weird
Your SC is trying to keep you out of your dreams? From my point of view, it seems like the DC and your dream itself gave you a really big hint that you were dreaming and you missed it. That can happen, don’t be discouraged, it’s already good that you remembered to do a RC in the first place. When you practice RC’s, do them thoughtfully, question your reality. It’s quality that counts, not quantity.
My SC is my greatest enemy in my LDs.If you read my DJ you will understand.And you are experienced with LDs.May I ask you how can I dealt with this situation because it’s my biggest issue right now ? I can’t fully syncronize to my LD to resist him.He appears whenever he wants or without appearing he just sometimes shut down my dream.I hate it so much I can’t focus on LDing.Maybe my recall is bad these days because of it.I have nothing in my hands.I need a technique or sth…
I completely agree with Leijona! You are looking wrong at this. It was just a DC that told you that something is wrong with your hands. That one was on you! If you’re looking in that way on your subconscious then your subconscious helped you!
I don’t have experience, unfortunately, but I think this will be worth a shot anyway.
The first thing that you need to remember is that your SC is a part of you. I think if you keep this in mind, next time “he” attacks you as a DC, you can switch to “his” perspective. I mean, if the two of you are the same, and share the same body in real life, then why not in dreams? You’d also be symbolically be assuming complete control over your subconscious in the dream, which would probably have a lot of other implications.
Also, realise that if you’re angry, and this character represents your subconscious, he’ll probably reflect that emotion. Try smiling and not resisting; you might get results that way too.
I’m sure there are plenty of other ways, and this has been discussed before (try using the Search bar at the top of the page to find some other topics on it), but these are just a couple of suggestions off the top of my head.
The way I understand it, most RCs centre around realising that something is abnormal, and the reason we normally don’t notic strange dream things is because we can convince ourselves they are normal?
It sounds like you gave yourself a reason for not realising your hands were strange by having the dream itself call attention to it, then explain it away.
I really liked your suggestions.I was looking to my SC as a guide to help me before all this lucid stuff began.But I saw it as a hostile even though I didn’t think it that way.I just want it to help me in my dreams.But it’s just kicking me out.
But if I find that much control in one of my LD , I will try your suggestions.Thank you very much…
personally looking at my hands never worked, but if it may work for others, but my hands always look weird but i never think anything of it.
however this RC may still work for you, but how many do you have? i only have two RCs i do, one main one, and one back up one just in case i am afraid of looking silly in public. my main one is pinching my nose and seeing if i can breathe, but i was out the other day and talking to someone, i didn’t want to just randomly pinch my nose so i have a less obvious RC in mind for these situations, which is looking at something, looking away and looking back (double take) to see if the details have changed. i think if you are doing too many different RCs you might just forget to RC all together.
just keep at it, keep doing a RC, if it fails or you just don’t think it will work then try another until you find the RC that works for you.
If you are subconsciously looking at your hands in your dreams,
then you are getting verrrrry close! I have had trouble with hand-related
RC because it is not absolute. One time in a ND I looked at my hands
and “dreamed” I became lucid. I was not in control but dreaming about
being in control haha
Stick with definitive RC that can only mean one thing… you are definetly dreaming.
The plugging your nose and trying to breathe is popular and i’ve heard great success when people use it. Personally, my RC is too look at my digital wristwatch
once every hour, doing a double take 2 seconds after the first look. It is definitive
enough that it gave me my first LD.
Good luck and don’t give up!
Through your dreams, you can conquer any disbelief within!