I only found out about ‘lucid dreams’ a couple of days ago, but I’ve been having them for the last couple of years, just not as often and as vivid as some of the more experienced here.
One thing that happened to me two nights ago was that I was dreaming of sitting in a car which was moving all by itself and which got me into a bunch of accidents. I sort of noticed that I had to be in a dream and used a RC (actually I didn’t know that you call them that, I just did it cause it seemed like the right thing) and tried to fly… Unfortunately I of course was not able to fly and thought the whole dream was real. And that really did scare me, cause I had done the test and all
sorry if I bored you… have nice lucid dreams tonight.
Something like that happened to me too. During a low-level lucid dream, I tried doing reality checks by moving things with my mind. It ended up convincing me that I wasn’t dreaming and I lost it. Turns out beginners should try simpler things like double-checking a clock. Wish I’d known that at the time
I have only had a low level lucid dream, I knew I was dreaming and even did the hand test and did the light switch test and I knew I was dreaming, I even went back in my room cause I had WILDed and saw my body sleeping. So what more convincing do I need. I tried to fly and call out people and things and nothing in my dreamed worked. I think soon the dreamed turned into a regular dream after I got mad and woke up later after. I think I took my first lucid dream for granted, even though I couldn’t control anything I would love to do it again. Just when you first lucid I wish there was some kind intruction manual.
For some reason most RC dont work for me…maybe my mind catching up or something…now i just gotta think…noramlly I can realize its a dream…I dont know how i know…I just do…But RC sometimes work…always god to check.