This is something that i think is unique to me
Everytime i have an LD and it starts when i am already in a dream it only starts when no one else is around.
One dream for instance. I was in a house with a few people and then i went into a back room, where there was no one else. At that point i became lucid. I went back into the room and there were people still there. It is like this for all my LDs.
It is not really a problem as there aren’t usually many people in my dreams. But i was wondering if anybody else is the same way. Or had an LD where they particularly remember being alone and having an LD.
thats odd. every ld i can remember happened when i was with someone. from my very first ld to the one i had last night they all are triggered by another person. what exactly helped you become lucid? what dreamsign? or did you just know?
I think I know why that is. DC’s are really good at impeding LD’s, because when you talk with them it engages your right brain instead of your logic centers. I find that even in LD’s, if I get too much into a conversation with a DC, I will lose lucidity. So it looks like when you’re alone in a dream, you don’t get distracted and you’re more likely to become lucid.
Hmm,i had both.But it seems that i am also more likely to become lucid when alone.I am not sure about this, just my first impression, cause i never noticed this difference.
My DCs usually try to convince me that i am awake,but one time,after a false awakening, a women told me that i am still in the dream and so helped me to achieve lucidity.
Alex, your situation makes a lot of sense I think. We are collaborative beings, and therefore care less about ourself when engaged with others. Thus, when not engaged with others we will care more about ourself and potentially become lucid. My dreams are varied though. I tend not do much with other DCs in my LDs, but when I become lucid in DILDs it is sometimes around other DCs and sometimes around only myself.
Thanks for the replies. I have also been thinking that it may be caused by people distracting me in real life as well. Most often they hinder me from thinking about LD’s.
To answer austizmo, i just know. nothing triggered it, i just know.
Also, what i guess would help me, is that in most of my dreams i am hardly ever talking to someone or interatcting with someone.
i have a similar situation, a whole lot more of my lds start in my house, the good ones all start there. but, i think when your in a situation like we are alex, its easier to notice your dreaming. in your case you are alone when you become lucid, well, knowing that think of what can be better done when your alone…thinking. when your alone you’re really not engaged with an engrossing dream plot. since the dream itself isn’t discombobulating you by distraction you can think more clearly therefore noticing the dream.
I hate it when my LD’s start in my house. Because it’s always dark in there! Maybe it’s because I know it’s actually dark in there at night when I’m having the LD. It’s really annoying, because dreams are way more stable in the light.
Monitor199a, I suspect that also… I think it would be interesting to do a study and find out whether the light levels of people’s dreamscapes aree affected by their surroundings or their internal clock…