My dream recall is odd. Does this happen to anyone else?

Topic moved from the Quest for Lucidity forum

On certain days, I will awake and remember a major part in my dream, and I’ll remember it perfectly for most of the day. I usually write my dreams down in first period, as it’s only about an hour after I wake up. However…

Throughout the day, I will see things (people, objects, actions, etc), and I will suddenly realise that I had dreamt of these things during the night.

Some of you might say that I probably just forgot them due to the fact that I did not write them down, but that isn’t the case. For example…

This morning, I set my alarm for 6:06. When it went off, I remembered that I had dreamt of walking around my neighbourhood, seeing a few peers, and lying down on the grass, only to find a spider crawling on me. I remember this dream quite well, and I only wrote down a few key points on my hand before going back to sleep.

I woke up at about 10:52, and I did not remember any dreams I during this period. However, a few minutes ago, I saw a picture of one of my friends, and I realised that I had actually, at some point in the night, had a dream about her crying. The more I think about this, the more vivid the memory becomes.

Does this happen to anyone else?

it’s possible, because certain memories will trigger dream recall, read that somewhere :tongue:

Yes, it happens to me. It’s actually quite weird. It sometimes feels like there were two separate memory areas: one for dreams and one for normal life.

Once I trigger the dream memory, everything starts coming back to me. Sometimes it’s even better: recalling a recent dream causes me to remember a different dream that I had several weeks, months or perhaps even years before and have completely forgotten about it.

yes, it sometimes happens to me… I call these dream flashbacks, since that dream or part of it comes back in ‘one piece’
just seeing something or doing an action can trigger the memory.

This happens to me all the time. However, for some reason I tend to be reminded by things that are pretty much completely unrelated. A lot of the things that I remember from dreams are just moods or concepts, and I’ll suddenly feel some way and remember feeling the same in a dream, sometimes one from a really, really long time ago.

It’s not weird and it happens to me, too. I rather like it because there are some mornings when I’m too rushed to recall my dreams and something later in the day will trigger a memory and I think it’s such a cool feeling, that moment that feels like, “hey, cool! I think I dreamt about such-and-such last night!” Even on days when I’ve already recalled a dream or two and I get that flashback later on, it’s like a bonus! :content:

I’m pretty sure this phenomenon didn’t occur before I started journaling my dreams. Anyone else notice that? (Similar to my nightmares decreasing with continued dream journaling.)

With me it’s the opposite. They are more rare now, since I am more likely to recall them on waking.

This happens to me all the time. It’s actually very handy, it helps me remember more of my dreams.

I don’t think this is too uncommon. It’s happened to me and sometimes these flashes help me remember dreams I’d forgotten from the night before.

Especially, if I haven’t had the time to write them down in the morning.

It suck when you don’t remember your dream.
I mean whats the point of dreaming when you can’t fully experience it where your in it.

I like dream that I know im there . When you dont remember when you awake its surely because you didnt do much in it.

my dream recall is odd too but it might be an OCD/Anti-Depressant im on affecting it. i have excellent dream recall and my doc said that the med would increase it. but i starting LDing a little while back and i noticed if i wake up in the middle of the night i dont remeber my dreams but 20 min after waking up in the morning i wil rember little bits that will suck the rest of the dream back to my memory

(ex: i will remeber a train and be like OMG YEAH RIGHT THAT DREAM WHERE MY MOM ALMOST GOT RUN OVER BY A TRAIN, which somehow connects to this which connects to that, eventually revealing my entire nights worth of dreams)

yes its nice but since i have to wait a little while and be fully done sleeping, it makes MILDing impossible

Also, when recalling dreams, i get random connections to dreams i know i didnt have last night but have never recalled before, and im sure they werent last night, it must be biological clock but im sure it wasnt last night

That happens to me all the time!
Especially when I’m writing in my dream diary when I wake up, then I’ll think of something else for a moment, and then an image from a dream I forgot about just pops into my head…
It’s very strange sometimes…

It happends to me too !

I almost get a "what did you yesterday ? " feeling .

Before ,oh it was a dream ! Luckily I havent said it to anyone yet ! :wink:

I wish I had a IRL diary… I mean not on the web.

  1. Go buy a notebook (or find an old rough book etc.)
  2. Get a pen
  3. Hide it by youre bed or in youre room .

I know but I dont want my parent to found it.

Yes, I get dream flashbacks during the day as well. More since I started keeping a DJ again :content: