My dream recall sucks!

Let me start off by saying i have had one ld and am keeping a dream journal. That being said, my dream recall goes up and down randomly. Some times i can remember nothing at all from the dreams and have nothing to write. I have started taking b6 and was wondering if it had any effect on my recall. I take 200 mg each night. I really hope to have another ld so please help. Thank you so much.

Ps. I just wanted to say that this forum has the nicest most helpful community ever :grin:

I think I read somewhere that 200 mg of b6 could be harmful to you. :eek: No worries, though, as I could be wrong. This same thing happens with me, but now it is leveling out to where I can recall around one, if not two, vivid dreams each night. Before, I had an irregular sleeping pattern. Now, however, I have regulated it to where I go to sleep around 1:30, wake up for WBTB at around 6:45, and fully wake up at about 11:10. Perhaps you are going to bed at spontaneous times.

My dream is call is amazing and i just started im remember anywhere from 2-3 dreams a night! i keep a dream journal, but the most important thing is to know you can, and believe. So that helps me a lot is when im falling asleep i reapet in my head “i will remember my dreams” then when i wake up i ask my self what i dreamt about, and keep waiting till it comes. I have waited to 15 minutes after waiting awake then it hit me!

200 mg ? the energy drink im having the now has 2mg and its 143% of my reccomended daily amount haha.
Maybe look into that before going crazy on the tabs :razz:
On the recall side , the only advice i can really give is just to make sure you include EVERYTHING you remember in your DJ and seens your into taking stuff to help recall have a look in the foods testing thread thing, stuff like dairy seems to get good reports :smile:
hope that helped.

I was in the exact same boat as you a while back. Here is what worked for me. Firstly, you must make a mantra to help remember. I use ‘remember your dreams.’ . Say that over and over in your head once you awaken. Secondly go to bed generally early but once you can remember 1-4 dreams per night like myself now, bedtime will no longer be an issue. Thirdly, and I will be frank on this one. Absolutly no sex or masturbation before bed. I have no idea how this effects female dream recall, but I can say from experience that they are dream killers. I apologize for any errors here but I am typing on a Zune. Anyway good luck to you and remember that there is NO supplement for a dream journal. I can attest to that.

I’ve seen this before and have been given no actual scientific evidence for this. If anything it seems to be more of a placebo effect than anything. It’s true, there is some hormonal/chemical changes that occur during and after, but by later in the night/morning when most people recall the most dreams it has mostly worn off.

From my own personal experience, I usually have the most free time with my wife before bed. It really hasn’t negatively impacted me.

Again, I haven’t exactly seen any scientific studies so it is possible it has a negative effect, but from everything I have seen and experienced it seems unlikely.

Ya I get you man, but I am speaking from personal experience. I cannot accept that it is a placebo effect because almost whenever I had “free time” before bed I woke up remembering nothing. Then again that was also before I started using a mantra to remember dreams. Also I had looked it up on the web and I found that I wasn’t the only one who believed the idea. Anyway, to Mbearth I suggest that you don’t if you are making dream recall a top priority. That is just my opinion and my only resource is personal experience.

People are different, so I guess the whole sex thing does have different results. I’ve found that sometimes it even helps my DR shrugs

and I really do suggest researching a bit more on the B6. I don’t remember the dose, but there is a limit and going over it can cause damage to the nervous system. (I think it was 120mg or 200mg, but I can’t be sure).

Ya i have heard that B6 can cause nerve damage with large doses also. I think I read it on the bottle.

Yeah… quick note on vitamin B6

Here is also an article describing B6 overdose

Like all supplements, it is highly recommended that you research further and consult a physician so that you know what you are doing.