Man this sucks so much. I have been practicing WILD every night and my dreams have been faltering. So far I only remember fragments and I only remember them when my alarm wakes me.
Every night I’ve been practicing WILD I’ve been able to get into SP but I could never get into a dream, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.
It’s like when the alarm awakes me and I go back to sleep I’m not actually awake because I’m super excited about the dream I should be having.
I haven’t recalled any dreams except for fragments from when my alarm woke me up and I happened to be in REM sleep… which happened last night.
All I remember is opening a bottle of Coca Cola and looking under the cap. The odd thing is I did it today and I won a free 1 liter coke product… so I guess that’s cool.
I don’t want to stop WILD for a little while. The experience I had with it was too good to give up. When ever I think about the dream I get happy, it’s so weird. It’s like an addictive drug to me for some reason. I’ll never stop.
I repeat the mantra every night as I fall asleep until I see some HI, then I just drift right off. When I awake at 4:00AM I can only remember 1 fragment of my dreams.
I mean litterally a fragment, it’s not even worth writing them down, and I have a photographic memory, I can easily remember the fragments with out writing them down.