During the summer I attempted to have a lucid dream. First I was trying to remember dreams but I wasn’t doing it very well. In the last week I am remembering them VERY CLEAR, for almost no reason at all. No journal I wasn’t even trying.
I am ready to move onto the next step, but my dreams are really messed up. In almost all my dreams I forgot why i am actually there. I know I found out earlier in the dream, because I can remember vaguely someone telling me something in all my dreams. And in almost all my dreams there is nothing I can relate to. I’m always someone else, not myself. Just last week I had a dream where I was a blob and the sky fell on me! How can I relate to that? Many of my dreams take place in places I have never been or heard of, but it looks like my imagination makes them. Any help or suggestions here?
Dreamsigns do not have to be about places, situations or recurring themes. They can also be about emotions and feelings. Try to think back, do you have any recurring emotions in your dreams? (confusion is a pretty common one, I would guess). Also, try to think, what differs your dreams from your waking life? It might be a special feeling within you, or a special state of mind.
In many of my dreams, I have this special feeling of authority and being safe, probably because part of me all ready realises that I am, in fact, dreaming.
“In almost all my dreams I forgot why i am actually there.”
That looks like a dreamsign to me
It’s hard to remember my thoughts in my dreams. I don’t really think… I’m sort of… stupid. My thoughts are based on what people tell me. I just don’t think properly in dreams.
Well, you’re not alone. I don’t think anyone can consistently think properly in dream. But if properly means based on logic, maybe that’s a good thing. In dreams, things make sense. You’re not bound by logic.
I always have a feeling in my dreams that something is not right, that my reality is not like this. Often in dreams I justify to myself that things are correct, thinking things like “yes, I remember, that’s right”. I’m trying to stop doing this, and thereby become lucid.
Sounds like you’re often kinda aware of your dreaming state. If you can just get yourself to do RCs whenever you get that “something’s not right” feeling… you’ll be in business.
You can train your ability at thinking rashonal, even in dreams. It is called Lucid Living. You should learn how to detach yourself from everyday life and try to be a little more aware of things happening around you. Start thinking more in your waking life, and it will follow into your dreams.
well… check out the sticky topic for lucid living, first of all.
The basic point of lucid living is to be very critical about everything you do, and everything that happens. “Would I normally be doing this in real life?” etc.
You should observe prety much everything you see/hear/do in your waking life and be aware that it might be a dream.
Said in another way, you shouldn’t go to bed expecting to dream that night. You should be expecting to dream, always.
Although that could possibly work, I don’t think it’s the best way. The point of LL is more developing a state of mind or awareness. You simply know when you’re dreaming w/o having to do RCs. This is how most of my LDs work when I’m practicing LL. There’s nothing out of the ordinary, there are no RCs involved, I just know I’m dreaming when I do.
I used to just consider how often I realized I was dreaming completely random. However, I’ve realized that it ties in with the state that you are in while awake. LL has a lot to do with this… I recommend reading the LL topic if you really want to get a thorough understanding of things. In order to realize that you are dreaming during a dream, think of what is necessary. You need to be aware of what is happening around you. LL for me, is kind of just not letting things pass by. Investigate situations… Give them your thought. You kind of need to get into the habit of not just seeing things… You have to lend your senses to different situations. You’ll hear about this A LOT if you read the LL topic.
I might be making no sense whatsoever, but I think everyone has slightly different interpretations of how they achieve LL.