I’ve been doing RC’s for about 2 weeks now ( I wrote RC on my hand, tests were based on clocks, my hand, breathing etc.) but in dreams the DreamWorld and other details are always too real, so I never remeber to do a RC. I recently had an accident, i fell and now there’s a big scar on my cheek. Last night I had a dream where I was looking in the mirror and there was no scar on my cheek and I just couldn’t understand the meaning of it…
I dont think thats it raptor!
Its more like your subconsious is not yet fully programmed to be aware of such tasks
You could start with practising the idea while you are awake you are in fact dreaming a very realistic dream and wonder and look around how real it is…Be moew aware that all is a dream yogi say!
Practise as if normal life is a dream…and you recognise it as such…
Could help you in time…not right away!
thanks for the reply! last week in a dream i was throwing my teacher with chairs and that seemed normal to me
but when I was about 7yrs old, i had many lucid dreams. when i had a nightmare, i could wake myself up whenever i wanted, when i was flying, i realized that its a dream…
maybe it really takes a long time to recover the skill i had but I’ll keep trying
i have a scare on my cheek too, a dog bit me when i was 6, grrrrr on him, yeah he was my cousins dog, and now he helps people… oh and i got more scares too, so when ever i get hurt im used to it… sorry im going off topic
Oh yeah, this topic made me remember. When I was maybe 5 or 6, and I was having a dream I didn’t like, I could just wake up. Easy. I’d bend over, close my eyes, open them, and I’d be wide awake sitting up in bed. Which I suppose implies that I must have been lucid. Try it. You have to really concentrate on the movements though as you bend over.
i think as children we are more susseptible to lucid dreams because we are not tainted by the real world.
As children, santa Clause, the easter bunny tooth fairy etc. are all real, the dream world is just another fantasy for us to wonder about so in that respect our subconscious is more susseptible to lucid dreaming etc.
Were as in adulthood we have to make our subconscious aware that anything is possible there again, due to being tainted by real world physics.
I had a dream when I was a child that I am unsure weather it was even slightly lucid. I know I was not completely aware I was dreaming till I tryed to wake up and I couldn’t open my eyes. I tryed to force them open but I couldn’t. I was yelling for my mum and dad to wake me up. I couldn’t control the dream. That makes me think it wasn’t lucid. but if I was yelling for someone to wake me up then that says that I must have been dreaming.
So what is this dream? I know I wanted to wake up cause I knew that if the evil people in the dream shot me with their huge machine guns that I would die and never wake up. this dream has always been a question mark to me. Never knowing whether I would really have died or not.
I had exactly the same dream when I was a kid. Several times actually. I was shouting and crying for help like hell. Then I never understood why my parents didn’t hear me . I was absolutely sure they could hear me through my eyelids.
Sometimes I could even see parts of my dark room (perhaps I just imagined it) while in mortal fear. Somewhere I knew it was all a dream, but unfortunately I never realized that nothing could hurt me.
wow thats amazing i know i didn’t tell u the whole dream but wow for someone else to have that same experience is well it makes me feel better at least. I will tell you more of the dream if your interested. well i’ll just post it here anyway and maybe someone will find it entertaining.
I was only young remember. I was in dreamland with many strange friendly creatures. I went on a cruse which was hijacked by bad creatures which took us to nightmareland. (when i had this dream it was before I understood what machine guns were or hijackings so therefore I have always questioned the dream) We were all kept there as hostages and we were not allowed to leave. They had huge ships with huge guns on them, looking back now im still not sure what kind of guns they were but they were powerful. They also had a search light which they were using because it was dark there. Everything in dreamland had been in bright colours but nightmareland was in shades of grey and black and white.
This one man who was standing next to me decided to make a swim for it. But the ships were so fast and I watched them put the light on him and shoot him. whether he died from drowning or gun shot i am unsure about. but he did die. And I knew (or believed) he died in real life. I then while they were preoccupied with him made a swim for it. I swam and swam but the more I swam the further away from dreamland I seemed to get (the place I was swimming for). They were gaining on me. This is when i physically shouted for mum and dad to wake me up and i tryed to force my eyes open. but i couldn’t until all of a sudden after stuggling for about 30 seconds i could finally open my eyes.
I know I was shouting out loud because I was awake at that point but i could not open my eyes. unfortunately my mum had the washing machine on and my dad was at work so that is why they did not wake me up. So what was this dream? Now im curious again.
Yeah I was very surprised too to read your dream which sounded so familiar to me.
Very interesting dream you had! Very nightmarish… Luckily you remembered the whole dream. I haven’t got any clue whatsoever about what was happening before I started to shout for help. I know I was being chased, probably by evil creatures.
My guess is you were prelucid in your dream: you knew it was all a dream, but since you didn’t recognize these bad creatures as dream characters and thought they could really harm you, you weren’t fully lucid. You continued to act fully non-lucid contrary to your belief it was all a dream. That makes it a prelucid dream.
What would happen if you were really shot before you could wake up? I don’t think there is a single answer. Some people have a false awakening. Others have strange feelings and believe they are actually dead. Personally I was shot only once. I was fully lucid while this happened. The moment I was shot everything changed into a black void. I thought “Well this is it. I’m really dead”. The panic and fear of being shot vanished. Instead I felt very calm, which surprised me. After this a new dreamscape emerged, but I was non-lucid this time.
I agree with Insane_goth that children are more susceptible to LDs. While adults are more conditioned by modern society, young children don’t have these limits yet. They are more free in their fantasies. Their minds are more pure. Only later they learn how to act and how to see things in a certain manner so they could find their way in this society. The beautiful subjective world of a child where subconscious fantasies are mixed up with conscious perception vanishes in order to make place for the cold hard so-called objective reality of adulthood.
It’s a bit off-topic, but here’s a very nice story which nicely illustrates this process from childhood to adulthood:
Hinduism says people have the highest level of spirituality at the moment of birth. The Kundalini snake, which presents spiritual wisdom, is located at the crown chakra. While people are getting older they are more and more influenced by human society (which is an illusionary world according to hinduism). The more they get conditioned by it, the deeper the Kundalini snake descends through the lower chakras. It travels through the spinal column from the crown chakra all the way down to the root chakra, which is based at the bottom of the spinal column. The lower it gets, the lower your spiritual level is. In most people, the Kundalini snake lies dormant at the root chakra. Spiritual awakening actually means the snake is awakening. Through meditation or other spiritual practice (such as LDing), the snake can rise back via the spinal column. Everytime it passes a chakra, certain spiritual qualities can be developped. When Kundalini finally reaches back the crown chakra you’ll be in the same pure state of consciousness as at the moment of your birth. You’ll no longer feel the limitations of human society. You’ll be free of this illusionary world. Enlightenment is said to be the result.
Ok I think I’ll quit here before we get even further away from your dream
Hope this helped a bit though…