My dreams are too symbolic

Hi dear lucidiers, long time leecher, new poster here :smile:

The problem is i can remember all details in my dream, but they are just symbols and i can’t make a reality check. that annoys me so much. How could you make a reality check if you’re watching a huge mouse getting bigger, bigger and then explode? and i see myself watching all these kind of freaking stuff.

I usually have 3-4 dreams each night(or whenever i sleep lol), but my dreams are just metaphores, it’s always night in my dreams, i rarely see the sun.

Any helps? comments?

PS: My english sucks. I know. it’s not my native language :smile:

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

Hello Valentine,

My advice is to first start interpreting your dreams. I see so many people who want to jump into lucid dreaming straight away, and they don’t even remember there dreams. Well it’s great that you are remembering your dreams.

The reason why I suggest interpreting them is because you will get a stronger hold of your dreams. A long time ago, before I cared too much about lucid dreaming, I was involved with trying to understand my dreams.
I would always try to figure out the messages in my DJ . Then what started to happen was that I was inside a dream and found myself asking, “What could this mean?..” and then I realized that I was still within the dream! :lucid:

Lucid dreaming is like trying to tame a wild horse.
First you have to find the horse. Then you have to catch it. Then you have to get on it. You risk getting thrown off many times. Keep trying and then you will be riding it. Keep it up and then the horse will come to you when it’s called!


Hi Valentine :content:

Your english is very good actually, don’t worry. Hmm…well, in your case, it is very simple to do reality checks. How often in reality do you see a mouse getting bigger and exploding? All you simply have to do is think ‘I’m dreaming.’ and presto, it’ll become lucid no doubt. :wink: There is also a reality check you can do just standing there. Pinch your nose. If you can’t feel it, you’re dreaming.

For me, it’s usually dark in my dreams as well. I like it that way, but if you want the sun out, just command it to come out. Metaphores in dreams just mean your subconscious is trying to tell you something. For example, to see a mouse in your dream, indicates fear, meekness, insignificance and a lack of assertiveness. The fact it was getting bigger and exploding probably means you are allowing something small get out of hand, and you’re just standing there allowing this to take place.

Hope I helped a little bit :content:

Thanks for advices. I already have a DJ, so it’s best interpreting them.

  1. Document, document, document. [size=150]Make[/size] it a habit to write down your dreams or in your case your symbols. Even if you only write down one word or draw one symbol. Try not to get frustrated and try not to compare yourself to other dreamers on the forum who have lengthy dreams and/or frequent LDs. Everyone is different and your time will come.

2)Reality Checks… do them as often as you remember throughout the day and drag them out. What I mean by that is if, for example, you’re going to use the pinching your noise tool then imagine what would happen if you were dreaming…would you breathe? would your nose grow bigger? wait and see if any of that happens.

Good luck and happy dreaming