so…in all three of the dreams i’ve remembered good over the past two days…i’ve been at or leaving school. does that make one of my dreamsigns being at school?
why not? couldnt hurt!
that’s a good thing, since school ends in three days…hopefully the fact that it’s summer vacation will help me RC while in dreams about school.
Hey brad, most of my dreams take place at school to, either inside school in class, or just around the school hanging out with my friends. My friends are always in my dreams too. We get out of school in two days, but that was a good idea for a reality check. I cant believe I never thought about that before.
That’s funny, last night I dreamt about school though I’m going to graduate next Tues. That’d be a good idea to use that as my RC too. Thanks for the idea!
Close to 75% of my dreams are in school. I just find it completely unpractical to do a RCs from 8 to 3, 5 days a week.
Congrats DM7, my own grad is on Sunday, well the first part anyway. Teachers expect us to be in class the next day, whats up with that? My first period teacher wanted to give us a test 8 hours after the grad banquet. Had to do an RC that time, that was mean even for him.
The following is a rant, be forewarned:
I was registering for my courses at university. All 11 of em. I had 1 complimentary study. Its kinda like an option but limited to like 50 courses. After checking which ones would fit into my schedule I was left with 5 courses, all of them I hated. Comparitive literature, political science in south africa, development studies in sout africa, religious studies and anthropology. I ended up registering for anthropology bleh, I had wanted pysch.