My epic quest for LDing

Epic is the only word that comes close to the way i have been lucid dreaming. every night, and every day. since september 5th 2004 I have done RC’s during the day and WILD/MILD during the night. I have switched my method each month in hopes of finding a method that works. in october I had obtained 5 lucid dreams, WILD and auto suggestion. then it went downhill I used the same method the rest of the month and parts of Nov. then I switched to MILD after I read “Exploring the world of lucid dreaming” still I sit here no successful method.

My dream journal is extremely long. I have documented every little thing I can remember from the first day I started LDing. My recall has improved, I really like reading through my ND’s and learning dreamsigns and whatnot. I have always been inbetween low motivation and real high motivation. I have taken down all mental blocks that I can think of (of course for today I am a little tweaked) I was going to spend all of winter break LDing and finding the right method. Here I am the last week of the break and still I have not successfully pulled off a WILD (focus on breathing method) this whole break.

I have even taken a 2 week break not to long ago as suggested here on the forums. I have seen people here that have over 50+ lucid dreams a month! Obviously I need to develop this nack for LDing hehe.

My Question is this. What do I do from here? I have tried every method that pertains to me. I am getting good ammounts of sleep I have read Stephen LaBerges book frequently and during WBTB . I appreciate any and all advice anyone can give me :sad:

What do I do from here?

If you’ve done everything you can do, the only thing left to do is so it again.

Alternatively, have you ever used BWGen? Apparently there are some presets you can download to help with WILD. It’s also useful for meditation. The way it works (very simple explaination) is you hear sounds, and they alter your brain waves. You should give it a try. There are cracks available on the net for it, so you don’t have to buy it if you don’t find it useful.

You say you had about 8 lucids, I would suggest to pick up the method you used to get those 8 and refine it.

What do u get if you take +5 and -5, hatred and love, matter and anti-matter. And then put them together. matter and anti- matter disappear, hatred and love give you neutrality, 5 - 5 sum up to big and black 0.

I think here is your problem. You never get what you want if you sometimes wish it and sometimes don´t. The Universe (and your subconcious) :wink: doesen´t understand what is your intention.

If you decide that something should come into your life, then create your intention by always thinking positively about it. Always wishing for it. So use your high motivation moments well. When you have low mot. then either try to motivate yourself by reading some interesting facts about LD-ing or try not to bring that subject up for yourself until low motivation period is over.

If you have done at least half of what you described, then LD-sing should be part of your life for now. Only thing that could prevent it, is arising and vanishing intention. Good luck to you! :grin:

I have tried bwgen before, never to bed though. I usually just use it to put me in a sleepy mood then take it off and goto sleep. And or try and WILD with it.

The method I used to obtain those was a little bit of all of the mainstreams. WILD+MILD+WBTB. Most of the time it is a DILD that I obtain the LD from. For a while there back in october this method was really working well and then suddenly it fell apart (no better way to explain it. It just felt like it was lowering my DR and not workin) I have not used that method since early Nov. But your point is obvious I will try to use it again and find a way to refine it.

Damn that is deep, lol. Seriously though your point makes alot of sense in my eyes. I always have enough motivation todo RCs frequently as possible and write down dreams constantly. but its never really ment ? I guess is how you would say it… I need to get more protons then electrons. Thanks to school my prioritys are always shifting. somehow I need to find a way to get lucidity a major focus in my life to motivate me. the problem always is though I get high high motivation then it falls down to that middle point again :shy:

Thanks for the advice so far guys. even in these three posts I have learned alot. so far my main two goals are to refine my method somehow… and to get motivated, my idea is going to rent dreamscape and the last wave. maybe movies and books can help bring that motivation up.

It is good, that you got some ideas how to move on :smile: BTW, some movies, that have inspired me lately are:

Butterfly Effect
The Time Machine
City Of angels

maybe they are of some use to you too…

First I’d like to say that when I saw what he did in “Butterfly Effect” that reminded me so much of how it feels to WILD when you are having SP :cool_laugh: I have to say that I was quite amazed when I saw it in the movie :grin:

WhiteWolf, you haven’t been LDing that long and you have had 8 LDs. That’s not that bad at all, and you had 5 during october. I would have to say that you should just keep trying and one thing that you can try to do is to think back to how you did when you had your LDs, and then try to do the same thing again. When your tech stopped working that was probably just temporary. The same thing happened for me but it started working again after about 2 weeks. And I don’t really know why it stopped or started working again :eh:

I have realised that lucid dreaming is mostly just mental, if you would be convinced that you can LD every night you most likely could too :cool: The problem is that it doesn’t work if you only consiously know that you can do it. Your subconsious must be convinced of it too, and that’s the hard part. Hypnosis or meditation would probably be a good way to convince your subconsious that you can LD every night. But also if you are consiously aware that you can LD very easy your subc will also pick up on that, but if will probably take longer.

I’m wondering about they way you do MILD? Do you really visualize how it would look if you where dreaming after taking a RC? Because visualization is probably the most important step of MILD and I think alot of people don’t really bother with it that much. I managed teach myself how to make stuff disappear and appear in dreams just by visualizing that I moved my hand over an object and imagined what I wanted to happen. And only a few days after I actually did it in a dream :cool_laugh: and I wasn’t even lucid. After that I have done it in several dream and they are both NDs and LDs.

If you can get the book “creative dreaming” by Patricia Garfield, you should really read it because there you can find out just how powerful visualization is :content: That’s also why they depend so much on visualization in hypnosis, it’s very powerful!! Oooh, I just remembered a cool thing I did with visualization after reading a book about hypnosis. I kept visualizing that someone/something was pulling up my index finger. I kept doing it for about 30 minutes or so and then the finger actually started going up by itself :cool_laugh: I didn’t consiously lift it so it was my subc that controlled the muscles.

I’m not sure what to visualize to help you get lucid except visualizing situations where you see a dreamsign and then visualize doing a RC.

Sorry if my post was all over the place, but that’s usually how my mind works :razz:
And I hope that helps :shy:

When I do my tech. I basically repeat a MILD mantra while trying to do a WILD. all the time though it ends up becomming DILD instead of WILD but it worked so I kept doing it :smile:

I have been hearin’ that alot lately. about the subcon. In telekenisis you have to convince your subc that you are moving the object then it begins to move because your subc picks up on what it has done. So I need to take the same approach on LDing. My consious mind is constantly thinking about LDing (as of lately) and now I need to either through repetition or like you said meditation get my subconsious to think about it also.

I am thinkin though that my subconsious will pickup on my thoughts about LDing . after I read freeborn’s post, I have been trying through any means possible to keep motivation up, one thing I remember from back in october is, I was still new to LDing and everything was exciteing and motivating and I believe that played a major role in the number of LDs I had that month. I saw dreamscape last night which was a cool movie and that is helpin my motivation. I need to stay motivated until my next LD then that LD will motivate me to have another one. and so on.

I understood your post JaRoD. I am a little all over the place myself :tongue: