My Experience last night

Well Im finally coming out I stalked the forums long enough and thought I should make a post :smile:

So last night I was going to sleep (Not WBTB reg goto bed). And I thought hey why not try out a WILD + SILD for the hell of it while doing a MILD in my head. I was really tired that day so I was hoping my body will drift off quick. After doing a repetition or two of SILD I started to lose focus on it sort of. Then I noticed my mind started to drift off so i just went with the flow of things. I dont know what stage I was at, but my arms and legs get numb fairly quick.

So as my mind drifted off, it seemed my eyes (or me, my mind, something!) was going through a vortex. I totally forgot about my body as this went on and I started to hear a growing screeching noise. It was like a mix of someone scratching a blackboard and a female screaming. Then I believe I started to panic a little thinking it’s one of those HI’s where evil stuff occurs. Then I finally thought to myself, “Come at me bro!”. But the vortex stopped and I lost all WILD progress :sad:

Personally I felt I made progress :happy: but what do you guys think caused the “vortex” to stop? It seems as if everytime I get closer something new shows up :razz: And any tips for next time? Besides performing WILD on WBTB instead… lol

Yeah, that would be the first advice! :tongue:

Look there is really no point in trying WILD at bed time. Your first REM cycle is at least 90 minutes away and keeping consciousness for that long is really a torture and if you do succeed those first dreams in first REM cycles are very low quality so to speak…

Only good thing you can get from that kind of attempts is getting comfortable with trying to WILD and everything that comes with it, SP and HH…

Well this happened either because you panicked or because you interacted with HH which sometimes may cause braking this HH state…

But really, put all that effort in combination with WBTB and trust me results will come much faster!

Hmm looks like I gots no choice now. I tried using auto suggestion before but I just fell right back to sleep whn I woke up 5 hrs later. And I can’t really do the whole getting up thing since I may wake someone up and get a spanking :razz:

But on another note of WBTB, I once had a chance to use an alarm clock one time and as I attempted to do a WILD again I started to feel some pretty good vibrations. Got it in three seperate occasion that night, each lasting 10 - 30 seconds. But nothing happened afterwards, how exactly is one supposed to capitalize on this situation? I think I got really close that day >.<

I understand that. But believe me if you share a room with someone you can easily wake up using autosuggestion and you can go to bathroom. If you don’t need to use toilet you can drink some water and you can wash your face to wake yourself a little bit more if there is need for that. When you wake up quietly with autosuggestion even if you wake someone up there is a good chance that they will not remember that in the morning…

I understand that too. It’s like some rush and your body is vibrating a lot but it’s like good vibration not bad, you may also feel your breathing rate increasing as your heart rate increasing. Well, I guess that’s the state similar or the same as is mine that I use for transition from waking state into a dream state whenever I use WILD tech. So when that happens I let myself fall asleep, I made this decision consciously: I will fall asleep now. And I now that the next thing I see, feel and hear is a dream, if not RC will prove me wrong!

I think the fact that your fear stopped snapped you out of the phase, and I think that it was good that you had fear, but your braveness just snapped you out of the WILD phase. ( LOL, play on words. ) Anyways, I would just suggest when you have HI’s to just ignore it and think of your favorite song rather than to just try and overcome it, because when you thought of come at me bro, you were basically signalling your brain to stop it.

This is a guess, it isn’t for sure though.

For realsies. Nice! Do you happen to fall asleep while its occurring(vibrations) or after it has happened? Im just a little afraid to throw away the whole WBTB attempt so easily by allowing myself to sleep in that fashion (Telling yourself its sleepy time). Only get WBTB chances about once a week xD.

It could be. It was growing louder and louder while observing it. I guess I need to personally experience it more often, normally when I first feel something new my body gets excited and the heart rate goes up, and I lose a chunk of progress. I guess next time I’ll let the screaming go on, my brother screams alot so it should be no problem enduring it lol.
Was just a little scary cause I heard horror stories about people stuck in SP and having alot of scary HI with people whispering in their ears, “Im going to kill you”.

While it’s happening… They will last for some time, maybe a minute or 2 but after that if you don’t make transition most of the times you just feel more awake then when you went to bed…

Don’t look at any attempt whether is successful or less successful as throwing away time or a chance because with every attempt you learned something new… You don’t have to do full WBTB, you can just awake and try to wake yourself up in a bed, it may just be what you need… Try that out…

That’s completely normal, you learn and experience things exponentially [well almost :tongue: ]

Well I can write a story about that quote but I choose to post you this video. Trust me, the guy knows what he’s talking about and he’s a member here too. He tells you everything that you need to know about that… I also recommend to watch his other videos!

That video had an epic ending LOL.
I think I finally get it now though. I’m gnna be trying a WBTB tonight. Hopefully my mind doesn’t fall asleep on me.
Thanks for all the help!

Yeah, no problem, I’m glad I could help! :content: