My Experiences With Dreaming-From 2009 to now

I love dreaming. Ever since I found out about lucid dreaming from an article on popular science, I’ve been wanting to find out more, and when I stumbled across this site, it was a godsend. A forum of very knowledgeable people, the only forum I’ve ever come across without any trollers or flamers, and about a great subject.

Soon after I joined this site, I’ve been working on improving my dream recall and lucidity. For a couple of months, I was an avid poster, both asking lots of questions, and commenting on peoples success, and with all this LD talk in my mind, my SC quickly picked up, and within a couple weeks I had great dream recall and had my first hazy lucid dream.

I’ve come a long way in these 2 years, and have come to absolutely love dreaming. It’s so amazing how during the night, your mind creates adventures and stories for you to go through, that are very fun and amazing. I don’t have LD’s that often, for me its mostly very vivid normal dreams, and I’m fine with that.

Lucid dreaming is great, and I love it, but mostly because I love dreaming in general. An alternate universe during the night, in which crazy unreal stuff happens; its one of the best things i’ve come across in my life, and I love this site for opening up the possibilities to it.

To conclude, I’d like to thank Q for making this great site, all the members for making this a very special community to me, and our DNA code which evolved our ability to have these amazing adventures in our sleep.

Sweet dreams!

So soon it will be 3 years?

The dreams is that thing that is somehow amazing… A two year ago I was very enthusiastic about it and even had about 4-5 LD (very short ones - too excited I was). And I had a year pause. And we keep coming back - like it is our home (;

Great adventures in dreams (;

These are good news Rubic!

I admit I was expecting a negative post when I saw the name of the topic under General Lucidness (it would be normal under Dream Diary).

All I can say is that, if it was up to me, LD4all would keep up and maybe even improving…

Thats a really nice post RCM :happy: I can nothing other than agree with it, its an amasing forum with very awesome people which are helpful and this place is something Ive always returned to when I regain my interest in LD’ing (sometimes I lose interest in dreams for a while and thus leave the site :razz:)

Haha, I made a topic just like this one a while back ago as well. And I must say I can’t agree with you more! :grin:

Very well said :content:

As with others, I can agree that no matter how many times I lose interest in dreaming (I never really do, I just get distracted from it), this is the place I always come back to. It’s quite a unique forum, probably the only place I know of where people come together and discuss dreams regularly. :content: