My First attempt!!

Well tonight is my first consious attempt!! look: I’ve been reading about all the techiniques all day, practicing them, and just thinking about it. Hopefully that could trigger sumthing! :mmm: I doubt I will actually get lucid, but just to get prelucid would be exciting!! Well off to bed i go!!! :sleeping: Wish me luck!!
I’ll tell you how it went after school. :smile:

well good luck, if you really get into it and read stuff/practice techniques/etc. a lot throughout the day than it should make it easy for you to get lucid. oh, and btw welcome to the forums. good luck :cool_laugh:

Well lets just say it didnt go very good. I would realize that I was dreaming by a reality check or it would just hit me and before i could rub my hands together or spin it went black…I think I was just a little or enthusiastic. So I woke up like 6 times and didnt get any sleep! O well, at least I am realizing that I am dreaming!