Well, Its finally happened, I’ll update my sig when i’m sure.
After having several FA’s all seemingly blurry and dreamy, i finally woke up. I stretched, it felt like i had finally woke up for real. I heard some birds chirping and it didnt feel dreamy at all. I slowly lie in bed for a while, then i stretch too look at the clock. I strugled to open my eyes and instead of seeing the time, I saw garbled numbers. My eyes darted open and a chill ran down my back. I scrambled up and rummaged for something to read, It was all gibberish. “afwe aklfjo aefiogh; aksjhog” like that. Playing and changing. I looked at my surroundings and I had a dim light on. I couldnt adjust it. Everything was blurry, I span and span and yelled Lucidy x 100 etc. I jumped and slowly descended. When i stopped, everything was crystal clear. I was panicking, My mind scrambled for something to do. I felt confined to my room. I tried to push my hand through the window to no avail. I tried harder. I opened the window and tried to put my hand thru the mosquito net, it ripped. I lifted it up and looked down. Awful long way down. Suddenly it struck me, I got scared. I was halfway out the window. i thought, what if im not dreaming. I looked down again and there was this beautiful red Jaguar (car). i’m like… okay now i know im dreaming. But what if im sleepwalking too. What if my SP failed. What if i fall IRL too? I decided against it. All of a sudden, my dream started collapsing and fast. I drifted into darkness and woke up.
I woke up by the window. I was a bit freaked out. I told myself. “its a good thing i didnt jump in my dream or I would have fallen down for real as well.” Then i woke up for real.
It was such an incredible experiance. I didn’t think it would happen. I am ecstatic although it was a bit scary. Here is what I did to achieve it. (sorry i dont know what topic to put this post in because it has a few categories ^_^).
Step 1. I bought some Mint Leaves from the supermarket.
Step 2. At 9:00 o clock, I brewed the tea fom mint leaves.
Directions: Put a small amount of leaves. just enough to cover the bottom of the glass. Then pour boiling water in. Mix in a bit less than a teaspoon of sugar in. Mix and cover with a plate. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Warm up in the microwave a bit (like 10 to 20 seconds).
Step 3: I drank the tea and meditated for an hour to Zen music (Tony Scott: Music for Zen Meditation). I had 2 candles and an incense.
Step 4: I made a small pillow out of my mint leaves.
Step 5: In my Dream Journal, I wrote my intentions and then I wrote “I will have a Lucid Dream.” a bunch of times on a full page.
Step 6: I continued to play the music until i fell asleep.
Step 7: While going to sleep, I did MILD exercizes. “I am dreaming” “I will have a Lucid Dream” etc. I put the clock right on my bed so its the first thing i see when i get up.
Step 8: I woke up at 5:00AM as per alarm and remembered ZILCH, NADA.
Step 9: I went on the message boards and chilled.
Step 10: I lay on my back and did MILD, attemped WILD, failed, Continued MILD until i drifted off like an hour later.
Then… some weird dreams, plenty of clues, but i am dense. Long story short. Although i didnt think it was possible. I achieved my first lucid dream (sort of =D) and have joined the ranks. Guys, trust me, dont give up… it IS SOOO worth it. cant wait for the day to end so i can try again. + I have minty fresh breath that LASTS!.
Im gonna go update my sig now, with JOY!