I have been tryng for 1.5 months now, and I have gotten 6 DILDs, and last night (this morning, actually) I had my first one that lasted more than a few seconds. All of my previous LDs faded as soon as I became lucid, and sometimes I woke up.
Last night, I tried WILD, and failed miserably. I was woken up in the morning by my alarm at 7:00 for school. I was very tired, and I soon fell asleep again. I had a ND where I was diving into a lake. I went underwater, and tried to surface, but everything was dark and I couldn’t find the surface. I was a bit worried, and started looking under me for the surface. I saw my bed under me and realized I had woken up again. This time I started to fall asleep again almost instantly, only I remained concious. Even with my eyes open, everythig was black. I felt like I was floating, and could hear a strange sound. I saw a swirl of darkness in front of me, which turned into a dream. Again, I was in my bed, only this time I felt different. I did an RC to make sure I was dreaming, but what really convinced me was when my cat jumped up on my bed and started talking to me. I got out of my bed, and walked around my room a bit, but didn’t do anything too cool. It wasn’t a very vivid dream, and i was at a low level of lucidity. I didn’t remember to do any lucidity increasing tricks, as the dream only lasted a few minutes because my Mom woke me up again because I was going to be late for school. I was mad at getting woken up, but very excited that I managed to keep a LD for more than a few seconds.