Last night i had what i would consider my first LD, i used WILD. At first it felt and sounded like i was being hurled through a mine shaft but then my dream stabilized into a sort of RPG type game. I knew i was dreaming but i didnt have much control over what happened. I somehow gathered the strength to completely destroy the building i was standing. The walls of it started to split and I was thrown into complete darkness. When i tried to create a new scene, I woke up.
I don’t think it was too bad for my first time, but it seemed like I wasn’t quite in control, but hopefully that’ll come with more practice.
Yeah, the ability to control LDs comes through practice. Lots and lots of practice. I’ve been at it for a while and still don’t have it down; my mind is always in a fog when I hit lucidity. Still, when I ask the really skilled LDers about it, that’s what they tell me: practice, practice, practice.
Yes it’s all about practice, practice, practice,… ánd having patience. Sometimes A LOT of patience.
But so far, I’d say you did already pretty well with your first LD
Thanks everybody. I’ve been here for about a year now i’d say and its nice how supportive everybody is.
Since school has started and i’ve been on a more regular sleep schedule i think i’ve been dreaming a lot more. My recall went from a few here or there to a couple every night. Hopefully tonight i can become lucid again and maybe actually do something with it.