My first Lucid Dream ever? Opinions?

So I went to sleep as I usually do, nothing different and before I even knew, I was in my school classroom and everything seemed so normal, nothing out of the common. I am having a conversation with my classmates, which I can’t remember what was about, but when a classmate said the word “dream”, I instantly realised that I was dreaming and I knew that in reality, I was in bed sleeping. Out of excitement, I grab a classmate by his shoulders shaking him and telling him that I’m dreaming. As I told him that I’m dreaming, he made a disappointed face as he was sad (LMAO). Then I walk for a bit to the back of the class near my desk and I remember that I have to rub my palms together to increase the time of the dream. I start doing that at a sonic speed then I transitioned in another dream that I was not aware that I am dreaming anymore. It was a GTA V scene where I was driveby-ing bad guys that were following our van and I even had the GTA V crosshair lmao … Anyways, the second dream doesn’t matter because it’s not related to the lucidity… Is it possible that I only dreamt about being lucid or I really was? I am sort of confused as my lucidity didn’t last for more than 30 seconds and I didn’t get to do anything besides rubbing my palms together… Pff, I was frustrated when I woke up. Is this a good start to reach real lucidity? Ive been wanting it so much and I got somewhere only on the 4th night.

That is a brilliant result after only 4 nights. First lds are often quite short and it’s great that you remembered to rub your hands together to stabilise it.


The lds will get longer as you get more experience of having them.