My First Lucid Dream!

This was the last dream of the night, I woke up after two dreams while sleeping, dissappointed, it was already 7:40 but I decided to give it a shot. I had one more non-lucid dream and then faded into this. I was using the MILD technique, this was the third night I’ve attempted LDing. I was driving a motor home type vehicle, maybe it was a bus, I was getting very sleepy and worried that
I wouldn’t be able to drive it, all of a sudden it occured to me that I was dreaming, I tried pushing a
finger through my hand, both of my hands became invisible, so that was proof enough. I got up out of my
seat, I found Alyson(my sister), she was telling me we were on our way to Russia(coming from Japan), and we needed
to get off before we got there, I think I almost lost lucidity, but I remembered it was a dream and
looked at my hands. I focused on the detail and at first all I could do was smile. I didn’t even try
to do anything, I just walked around thinking to myself how cool it was. I almost lost lucidity again
when I realized that I was driving, I thought that my physical body was actually driving the bus and
had fallen asleep at the wheel, I looked out the window of what was now a train type vehicle, and saw
it being pulled by two horses. LUCKY, If I haden’t have seen that I probably would have freaked out and
tried to wake up. I kept looking at my hands to make the dream more and more vivid, and it was working,
although I’d say that my lucidity was pretty low. My sister started talking about needing to get off
the train before we got to Russia again, I told her we needed to go ahead and go to Russia, and head
through Alaska to get back to America. She was saying that would take a long time and all, then I again
remembered it was a lucid dream and told her 'Let’s see how long it will take ME to get us there." very
confidently. Heh, I could fly, or so I thought. I got off the train, which stopped moving, and sort
of became a back porch. I walked out into the yard and tried to fly, nothing. So I tried one of my
plans I had for flyig if I ever became lucid, which was to imagine channeling alot of energy then
bursting it out below me, and it worked. A little bit anyway, I just went straight
up, then came back down. I wasn’t too discouraged though, I just tried again, but this time I crouched
as I gathered the energy, then jumped as I released it below me. I was flying! Straight up! Then
what I like to call ‘Letting God Take Me’ happened, I was using this as a means to fly, I relaxed in mid
flight, because I felt I was losing momentum, and that is exactly what happened, I was now being pulled
higher into the sky, rather than propelled. Problem is I didn’t want to go THAT high, so I flipped over
and started trying to fly downward. I managed to break free from the pull, but I was losing altitude
fast, I tried to maintain flight and steer a little, I steered a little, but I didn’t maintain flight, I
fell hard to the ground, and it actually hurt! I was annoyed that it hurt, but I
just tried again, exact same thing, exact same results, exact same pain when I hit the ground. The pain
was actually a good thing, It was a reminder that I was in a dream, if it were real, I’d be dead. My
sister yelled at me to stop jumping like that, that I was going to hurt myself. There were now several
people sitting in lawn chairs on this back porch just watching me ‘jump’. I told my sister that I was
having a dream and that she didn’t understand I could do whatever, and she wasn’t really there. Everyone
laughed at me, but I ignored them and tried to fly a couple more times, still falling and hurting
myself. Then I saw a poster for Kill Bill 2. This is where I lost lucidity. There was actually a BAD
review on the poster and I thought this was funny. Then I made the comment, “I can’t beleive Will
Farrel is in those movies” then some dude asked me if he really was, and everyone else was like “Yeah,
he’s the big muscular crazy guy.” I laughed a little and then I woke up. I couldn’t really tell how long this dream lasted, but it was fun!

Awsome, sounds like fun :cool:.

congrats!!! :smile:

I had my real first LD 3 days ago and it was a little odd but cool. Wow to be your first it looks like it lasted 5 minutes or so; mine lasted just 10 seconds. :cry: