My First (more than 5 seconds) LD!!!

I am so excited guys, I finally had an LD that was probably around 1-3minutes long which is LONG to me considered that my previous LDs were only 3-5 seconds long and I have them so sporadically its depressing! So let me give you guys a little background history briefly and then you’ll understand everything.

Ok so every LD i had before this one(which is like 4 or 5 max) eariler this morning towards the end of my sleeping cycle ive only been able to maintain for 3 seconds because once i achieve clarity i instantly get sacred like its some sort of sub conscience reflex and force myself to wake up…but NOT THIS TIME. now what i did was a DILD accidentally of course, but whats even more amazing that i was able to do it after drinking quite a bit of alcohol because if im not mistaken alcohol suppresses REM sleep…am i correct on that? anyways back to the story. So in this next paragraph im going to tell you guys my ENTIRE dream and then i would love if you guys would give me some kind of feed back on this whole story. Thanks.

Ok (wow as i am trying to explain im like forgetting the dream lmao but here it goes) so it started out I was walking down what seemed to be like a boardwalk with my homeboy Kell (im black btw lol) and we were conversing about the Air Force and the Marines (i was in the marine corps lol) i had my cammies on too which for some reason seemed ordinary. Anyways he said “yo my G im about to join the Air Force” i said “Naa do Marines baby we the best of the best” and then he was like naa ok w/e. so as me and him are walking we start seeing other marines in uniform out of nowhere heres were the dream was changing scenery actually. So now i was like a huge nature area with a pond of the left side and forest on the right but still a boardwalk up the middle. It was very crowded to. As we were walking three wanna be tough guys decided to grill me in me face and i returned the gesture. So the guy didnt like that and as we crossed shoulders and walked past the guy turned around. I felt some kind of ways so i told my homeboy lets go over there, referring to the forest area. Because i personally felt as if those guys where up to no good. So we go in the forest area, in the treeline and it was really dark. The was a pale white guy (like Styrofoam cup white) in the woods as well with long braids just sitting there on the rock next to a 4 wheeler. Now that im thinking about it i think i had on shades as well. Anyway out of no where Kell starts cleaning the front of this guys 4wheeler with a white rag for no reason, like no one said anything the dude never said a word the whole entire time. And I told Kell dogz what are u doing stop. Ok heres where the dream gets a little different. Now i start noticing that everything is strangely very very quiet like it was just weird. Still the white guy says nothing and he never did… then out the no where the dream goes pitch black! but im still dreaming. So i grab onto Kell making sure he doesnt disappear on my ass lol and we start running back the way we came. And were running and running, im not like totally freaked out or anything just like wtf is going on. So i finally see a glimmer of light and we burst through it and came back to the board walk. I was holding onto Kell’s wrist the entire time while we were running through the darkness because i didnt want to be alone but i also felt relieved just to have someone with me. So when we came into the light back to board day he was like…gone? IDK WHY! EITHER lol so he was replaced by another guy. Honestly in this next 2 minutes to the dream the dudes who was like my dream buddies switched out like 3x. And i saw a girl started spittin game towards her and then she was like yea im happy that i got out that creepy forrest it like went pitch black. Then i said oo snap u to?? me and my manz just got out of there. Anyway then another dude got in my face trying to talk to shorty and i wasnt with that. So i had a newspapaer come out of no where into my hand. Funny cause the newspaper was bent at the top to and i grabbed him by the collar and threatened him to basically back off. So he was gone, then i college dean came out of nowhere saying he was going to call the cops i smacked him in the back of the head with the newspaper and he fell on the floor lol. (with a newspaper what a pu**y) lol anyway at this moment it was me the girl and the guy on the boardwalk… i like looked up into the sky and out of no where i said OO Sheet! Im dreaming! and the first thing i thought about was …

OMG im being rushed off this computer im going to finish this story later! sorry guys lol

ok Im back… wow rushed for no reason smh.

Anyway the first thing i thought about was flying but then i said wait let me stabilize myself first. So i started rubbing my hands furiously. Not as much friction as real life but still i felt something. And then i turned to my right and a beach was there. So we hop over the banister and into the sand. I noticed how i could actually feel the sand in between my toes which is awesome. Then i remember something from this site and i yell “ACTIVATE LUCIDITY NOW!” but nothing really happened lol and even in the dream i thought…i think i said it wrong lmao. Anyway so then i instantly thought i wanna go to japan! and i try to visualize japan and i start spinning! but when i did that i black vortex showed up and i just woke up :sad: i was pissed though!

So yea thats the whole dream… but it was awesome because the dream was like in HD and that was the longest LD i ever had now im going to practice at it much much muchhhhhhh more im excited!

Nice! Congrats. I have trouble having long LD’s too. It’s amazing how just a few more seconds of awesomeness can make you happy and motivated. Keep working at it!