I just joined, and the other night I had my first LD (well tech. my second, but first w/out getting too excited and waking) I met a girl who called herself Nadia, I was able to speak russian in my dream and we talked a little, and I convinced her we were dreaming. We were being chased and somehow were seperated. Later in another dream I saw her again and she didn’t recognise me at first, so I shouted, “it’s a beatiful day in dreamland” It sounds silly i know but it helps me stay lucid. Then she was able to recognise me and we explored the dreamscape together. She then said she had to go to work and then didn’t recognise me again. Any way my question is, did I possibly have a shared dream? is she a spirit guide or dream guide? or just another orinaught(sp?)
The moons in my dream were awesome there were three small cresent moons surrounding a full moon with the face of a skull it was a trip. it looked like a gratefull dead t-shirt (sans tie die) or something
Hhhmmm, it’s possible that it was a shared dream, but that’s unlikely, because they usually happen with people you know (as far as I know, but I’m no expert), so she was probably just a paticularly friendly and realistic dream character.
Same here.
Mine came up to me and we did alot of the same stuff.
That was when I was new to LDing.
Later I asked for a dream guide and she poped up.
so she might be yours.
Oh, just use any method to find someone. Call out “dream guide” turn corners thinking “dream guide” step through mirror and think “dream guide” or whatever else, however you summon. Just try calling out for a dream guide at first. Plus you can ask re-occuring DCs if they are/ would be your dream guide. You can have more than one, it’s not like a wife or anything. Actually, I shouldn’t use that analogy…