My first try and a few questions

First of all sorry for my english im from Mexico
Ok so like 30 minutes ago i tried
and i failed i dont know why
*I didnt move like for 20 mins
*i was thinking what im going to do in my dream
*i got mad and moved and feel like i was waking up from a sleep (too tired)

Any tips on how to do it ? Thanks :help:

From what I understand, you’ve been trying the WILD method?
Now, because I’ve never even had a proper LD in my entire life, I shouldn’t exactly act like a professional, bacause I’m not in ANY way possible when it comes to lucid dreaming.
But I’ve tried the WILD method a few times before, both while taking naps after dinner, and after waking up in the middle of the night. I’ve always gotten to the point where I feel someting… I can’t really put my fingers on what, but it’s a strange feeling, like my whole body’s turning numb. NOW, I reccomend you to do what I’m trying to do… Try again and again and again and again! Like anything you find hard to do, you just have to practise. Most people won’t succesfully do this on their first try. Maybe not the second. Maybe not even the third or the fourth. But there are two words you should have in your mind when it comes to lucid dreaming: Patience and dedication.
Keep on reading tutorials and don’t give up because you can’t do it on your first try!
Good luck! :smile:

Thanks for the answer , im going to practice :smile: