Right, after reading up about this Lucid dreaming I decided to give it ago. I know it’d be best to try and remember a dream every night (I hadn’t remember a dream for about the last three months). But I gave it ago anyway.
A couple of things happend when I was trying to get myself to do it (i chanted in my head ‘i am going to lucid dream’). At oen point I just stoped saying that completely and was replaced with something else (random words that must of rhymed or somehting cos I just said them voer and over) and it was about two minuted before i realised this was happening. Later in I just forgot the word lucid, and so replaced it with ‘ld’ until i could rememeber it again.
The other thing I want to talk about is temporary amnesia of dreams.
I woke up in morning with no recorlection of any dream (ocne again). I was a bit disapointed, but deiced I’d give it another go tonight.
Anyway, a couple of hours later and I was in my maths lesson at school. And then I hit a sudden moment of clarity (I think it was triggered when I looked out side at the trees… they must of reminded me of my dream or something) and the dream suddenly came back to me in a rush. It passes after a second, but i was still left with a couple of impressions.
I’m pretty sure the dream was not lucid though. As I fully beleaved the dream was real.
Stuff I can remember from the dream:
An old warehouse or something simmiliar,
Hiding from someone
Speaking to someone
Spiders in a cage
The ground outside was muddy and the trees had no leaves (just like outside my maths room actually)
yeah, my mind usually wanders while i’m chanting LD intentions, i don’t think i’ve ever started chanting something else though, i think i just start wondering about other things, events of the day, etc
but that “dream amnesia”… i think it’s safe to say that it happens to all of us. sometimes encountering something/someone in waking life will remind me of a dream i had forgotten the night before. even in dreams that i remember parts of upon waking, something in waking life will remind me of part of the story i had forgotten
It was kindda weird when is stoped saying the actual words. i just started saying something (I dunno what cos they aren’t real words) over and over for about two minutes… without realising…
that happens as you get nearer to unconsciousness, you become more irrational in your thinking and it’s easy to forget the thoughts you have during this time. this is what makes WILD so hard for most people, keeping yourself aware during this period of time.
Yeah when I am repeating something to initiate a LD I usually leave a word out or replace one of the words with something very similar. It is quite annoying.
I almost never remember a dream right off the pillow. What I have learned to do though is to quickly jot down a few key words that Reference key events in my dream, I think about them for a while and just start jounaling at the first event that I can remember. As I journal, I concentrate on the words jotted down. You will find out that as you write about your dream you will remember more and more. Don’t try to write about a dream in cronological order because as you remember things you will discover that is impossible. I also got a draw-pad and try to draw a few things (roughly) that I remember and it helps.
As for the other subject, it takes me a long time to fall asleep so my mind usualy wonders away from WILD. I am trying to get into WBTB though because that does REALLY help.
I almost never remember a dream right off the pillow. What I have learned to do though is to quickly jot down a few key words that Reference key events in my dream, I think about them for a while and just start jounaling at the first event that I can remember. As I journal, I concentrate on the words jotted down. You will find out that as you write about your dream you will remember more and more. Don’t try to write about a dream in cronological order because as you remember things you will discover that is impossible. I also got a draw-pad and try to draw a few things (roughly) that I remember and it helps.
As for the other subject, it takes me a long time to fall asleep so my mind usualy wonders away from WILD. I am trying to get into WBTB though because that does REALLY help.