My first WBTB - WILD failure

Hi guys. Tonight I had a lot of time to sleep, as schools are closed today, so I decided to try a WBTB followed by a MILD or by a WILD.

So I went to bed at about 11 pm, put a clock alarm on 5.00 am and tried to wake up at 4:30 using autosuggestion.

Here comes the first fail: at 4.59 I was sleeping like an angel, and when the alarm clock rang I jumped out of the bed in order to turn it off, with no idea of why an alarm was ringing.
Anyway, after a couple of minutes I remembered about the WBTB. An odd thing is that it looks like I had absolutely no dream in those 6 hours of sleep. Absolutely nothing: I didn’t remember anything when I woke up and I don’t remembere anything now.

My parents were sleeping in a near room, so after having washed my face I locked myself in my room. I opened my DJ, but having nothing to write about I just drew two devices I had seen in my old NDs.
I spent about 30 minutes drawing, and 30 more minutes reading a newspaper.

At 6.15 I got back to bed, and here I made the worst of my failures: for some reasons I choose to try a WILD instead of a MILD. WILD is a technique I had never tried before, and that looks quite difficult, but I was so confident in my intelligence that I tried it anyway.
I layed in the bed for about 3 hours, not sleeping, not awake, but non even in hypnagogic state. I was just sleeping for ten minutes, waking up and remembering I had to stay lucid in order to achieve WILD, counting from 1 to ten, thinking that the number ten looks like a tree I loved when I was 6 and repeating the cycle over and over again.
At 9.00 I gave up and fell asleep.
While sleeping I:
-Had a false awakening
-Dreamt about my father reading my DJ without permission
-Dreamt about talking with him about how I look like when I sleep (and actually seen me sleeping)
-Talked with a girl and thought “ehy, this girl is very interesting, it would be very interesting have a chat with her in a lucid dream!”
But of course I didn’t think, even for a second, to do a reality check.

So I woke up. End of the story.

I think that I’ll try WILD only when I sleep in the afternoon, leaving to MILD the challenging task of giving me some night LDs.

I personally think that WILD is easy, but needs a lot of time and patience. After 2 months practicing, I have got to the point where I am near a lucid dream, but still not there yet.

One thing about WILD is that once you learn how to have it every day, you can have it every time you want, you just need to have a relaxing enviroment. Everything else doesn’t mather at all.

So I recommend it to you, because with MILD or such techs you’re going to end up having LD’s every week or so, but not every day, that’s for sure.

WILD is the easiest because you don’t have to do anything but passively watch your HI’s and listen to HS’s and stay aware.

I recommend reading this: Click.

Hy FabioCalcinelli, it’s so great when they close schools isn’t it? :happy: :happy:

But let’s talk about dreams… I assume that you’re beginner at this, just like myself. And I agree with you that you made a mistake with trying WILD after WBTB. Because I think that It’s to complicated for us beginners to try WILD. Of course It’s ok to try, but you saw that you didn’t have any results.

And maybe you should stick with MILD, RC and DJ. I think It’s great for us beginners to keep on this techniques…

And good luck with LD’s…

Thank you for the link, I saved it in my bookmark and I’m going to read it as soon as I can ^^

I think I’m going to have practice with WILD in the afternoon. Right after lunch there is about an hour of great tiredness, perfect for WILD.

Yes it is :content:

Yes, I’m a beginner. I had an unexpected LD a few days ago, and now I’m trying to have other ones.

I’m already keeping a DJ, and performing a dozen of RCs every day (even if I always forget about them when I’m dreaming…)
I’ll keep trying with MILD every evening, while I train my WILD technique.
Good luck to you too.

I’m sure I read once (probably even in EWLD) that LaBerge is able to have LD’s every night using MILD :smile: I believe, whatever method you use to get lucid, with enough practice you can master it and get LD’s at will.

What about the FA’s and the dream related dreams? :happy: I call that good results. He might have been a tiny step away from getting lucid!

I really recommend you focus on the positives. It will really help you. Don’t consider this a failure. It was your first WBTB-WILD attempt! Don’t consider anything you do that doesn’t end up getting you lucid a waste of time. Think of it as gaining experience. :smile:

Good luck!

LaBerge has been studying lucid dreams for ~40 years. Isn’t it obvious that he can get LD’s every night? I doesn’t mather what tech.

But I’m sure that WILD will get you every night LD’s sooner than MILD.

Thank you both, I’ll think positive and practice MILD and WILD as much as I can ^^

Don’t sweat early WILD failures :content:

It takes time to get it to work for you, so I’m sure you’ll get it down.

As for WBTB, if you are going to stay up for an extended period, make sure whatever you read/do is related to LD’s. Reading a newspaper or somesuch might get you thinking about something else.