My firsts LD/OBE/AP??

Ok so long I have had “4” Ld’s…I will tell you everything about them here(note:This isnt a dream journal, I want to ask you something):
First: I don’t know what I was dreaming about but I suddenly realise I’m dreaming…The dream fades right away.(I think I was in a woman’s body :bored: )

Second:Very, very low lucidity level.I could tell I was dreaming and do some dreaming stuff…Don’t remember very much of this one, though…

Third:This is where the thing gets cooler…I woke up at 8 am so I said “Okay, Im gonna try WILD now…”, so I closed my eyes and start WILD-ing…Suddenly a feel the need to open my eyes… i wasnt sure but I opened them…At that moment I felt kinda strange, so I did a RC…It was succesful…I was in a LD?Or a OBE/AP??I decide to get up and go downstairs…My father, mother and brother were in the kitchen…they were talking…while I hear them talk I try to fly…I failed and tried lots of methods to fly but couldnt anyway…Then I go to the living room…I pick up the phone and dial a random number…A guy started to talk…I hang up on him…Then I go out, I wanted to explore…The outside front door needed the key, but I didnt want to get it, so I just tried to fly…I failed once again…Although I couldnt fly, I realised I could jump a little higher, so I jump, and climb the outside front door…I see some cars going through the streets, so I think " Stop the car and come here"…Suddenly, the car stopped, and a girl came out from it…She was coming to me…but when we start to talk, The dream starts to fade…I tried spinning and hand rubbing, but didnt work…I woke up…That dream was So Vivid that if I hadnt done that RC, I wouldve thought I wasnt dreaming…

Fourth:I wake up at 4 am (had dreamed a few dreams before) because of the alarm I had set…Decide to do WBTB with WILD…suddenly I see myself outside my house, and I realize I was dreaming…So the first thing I do is a RC(works)…I always wanted to fly, so I tried and tried with lots of methods…they didnt work…So I say, “Hey, maybe if I go to the computer and enter ld4all I can find a clue to learn how to fly!” So I went…At first it all worked all right but couldnt find more info about flying…but then I tried pressing “G” but instead a “H” appeared on the screen >.<…
Next thing I know is that I’m in a kinda gym and I’m talking to a DC…after that I decide to go out and explore the dream…the floor, outside, had a weird texture, I dont know how to explain, it was as if it was filled with water…I dont find anything interesting, so I see some cars going by…And I say, “Let’s see what happens if the car hits me”…I go and get hit by a car…To my surprise, the car split in two when it hit me…pretty good sensation, made me feel like I was very powerful…I get into a house and see a DC, so we start to talk…the dream starts to get all black and it fades away…time to go to school…

The real question is:
Do yo think my 3rd and 4th LD’s were OBE/AP??

Anyway, it’s all thanks to you guys, you really helped me to have these experiences ^^ thanks very much

They were LD’s. During an OBE it is very easy to fly. Plus, some people think OBE and AP are just very vivid LD’s.