My Girlfriend's Mother says....

lol, the funny thing is, I’m his girlfriend. And since this is my mother we’re all talking about, I feel the need to put in my 2 cents. So…here we go.

You are all absolutly correct. My mother has to be the most closed-minded individual I have ever come into contact with. You can ask Steve (Anastasio). I am on my fourth copy of EWLD because everytime she sees that I have encountered a copy of the book or anything similar in nature, she throws it away. She searches my room constantly, and anything she finds on spiritualism, meditation, lucid dreaming, magic, energy, auras, even HARRY POTTER! I’ve just resorted to buying a safe and locking all my important things, like my dream journal, inside of it.

shakes head If only there were some way to reach her, but by now, I’ve given up. Guess you really can’t teach an old dog new tricks, huh? :sigh:


I’m sorry to hear that :no:

Welcome to the forums, by the way :content:

It’s a shame she throws that stuff out, especially EWLD, that is a really good book. I’ve read my copy so many times it is falling apart, literally :tongue:
Well, upon hearing this, I guess my advice would be not to try to change her beliefs, that would be a waste of time. Instead, try to keep your interest in lucid dreaming and Harry Potter alive, maybe by keeping your books at a friend’s house :smile:

Haha, the fact that his girlfriend is posting here is so friggin funny! :rofl: :lol:

That’s very sad to hear; living with a mother like that must be unbearable. At least you can be thankful that you aren’t like her at all, and perhaps you can just take her as an example of what you don’t want to be. If I were you, I’d get ready to move out as soon as possible.


That’s me!

this is my first topic here, too!

i really appreciate you all telling these stories!

Very insightful, very humorous!
funny that she’s talkin’ about her own mama like that!, she’s a great woman and all, she just needs to put the dang bible down for a minute and take a look at what is going on in the world (or in her dreams, rather)
Awww, my baby is great lol :clown:

Haha, I’d respond to him calling me great, but I won’t turn this into a mushy romantic thingy that will make everyone ill. Hehe and you’re right on the money, BlissfulBlues, I am getting ready to move out. Only a few more months! Wish me luck. Oh and guess what!? I had my first lucid dream in years this morning!!! I’m so excited! Thanks for your input everyone, I’m glad that not everyone thinks like my mother. Hopefully places like this will spread the word and change will insue. But until then, let’s keep dreaming, shall we? :slight_smile:

Congratulations for your first LD, don’t you wanna share it with us? :peek:

does not the Bill Hicks quote strike you as important then, in relation to dreaming?

all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. we are all of one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. there is no such thing as death, and life is only a dream in which the imagination is of ourselves. Here’s Tom with the weather.

…dreaming of that face again.
… a child’s rhyme stuck in my head. says that life is but a dream.

Isn’t being conscious in an alterate reality a pretty amazing thing to do? If it’s spiritual or not is your/our choice(s) but the implications of lucidity and even conscious deep sleep seem to denote the eternal persistence of consciousness itself.

the Buddhists have a very practical view on this honestly. Your deep habits and patterns (such as if you go push an old granny in front of a school bus) stay lodged in your mind, and just as they surface in dreams to be interfaced with, so too in death do you find yourself a dreamer, in your own reality, reaping the results of your own actions, and these actions influence what world you dream yourself into making a stay in.

Karmic impressions are stored deep in the brain and leak out into the dream world, even if we aren’t lucid we are still being swept away by the current of our own patterns and habits, and if we have something “bad” that we can’t deal with and fix in the waking world it manifests as a nightmare.

as part of dream and sleep yoga, therefore, the goal is to uproot these deep karmic impressions and obtain a clear, empty, free mind in the sleep state, to penetrate beyond the dreamscape and see just where your dream objects are coming from, and why they are being presented to.

it’s actually very rational, the sleep and dream process being a small example of the death and birth process.

you don’t have to worship the flying spaghetti monster or any such implausibel things, the Buddhists and Taoists and eastern religions simply seek to observe and map out the depths of the mind, and ascertain how the mind conencts US to the UNVIERSE because, we are connected to it.

I didn’t check all the theories of Maynard’s yet and I also am not so familiar about AEnima yet, so. :tongue: I wouldn’t share every aspect of Maynard, allthough I agree with Lateralus, about seizing the day and some other lyrics.

ah. It can be easy to take Tool dogmatically… I had a hard time with that for a while. But on the whole their lyrics have been quite helpful, if at times distressing and ominously serious.

I edited my previous post to add more information though

Sure, I’d love to share. It was fleeting, as most new LDs tend to be, and basically I was just down the street from my house. I live in a suburb, so I was just lying on the sidewalk with Steve and I decided to do a reality check for like, no reason. But I did fall asleep listening to that lucid dreaming mp3 I found on the forum. it hasnt worked the last few nights, but this morning I tried it as a part of a WBTB and I guess it worked because I decided to do a reality check out of no where, and the digital watch I wear went all funky. So I jumped up and screamed “OH MY GOD! I’M DREAMING!” so of course it immediatly started to fade because I was so excited but then I screamed “NO! INCREASE LUCIDITY NOW!!” and everything went really bright and vivid.

So I decided that I wanted to go to Burlington, which is like this big town in Vermont. So I said that I would turn the corner and I’d be in Burlington, but it didnt work. So I walked back to my house and the whole time I was in the dream (Maybe 10 or 15 mins) I was trying to get to Burlington. But it didnt work any of the 20 times I tried it. However, as I decided that I would try something else, my phone rang and woke me up. but it was AMAZINZG! I am SO happy right now. I can’t wait to try again tonight!

Oh, and I know this is off-topic, but any tips on getting yourself to different places in LDs? Was I doing it wrong or something?

Another advertising of Ben’s awesome threads: [The Lucid Pill) This is a Tool that may help you. I hope you enjoy exploring the world of LDing with the help from this forum. :content:

I told a guy in school about LD , he immediately said “me , I mean my mom saw on oprah if you die in those you do in real life , eh I dont beleive you , thats weird , I wouldnt do that, I might get possesed!” funny thing is , he followed my instructions and ended up having a lucid dream, then gave up!

Did Oprah actually bring up the subject of lucid dreaming? :eek:
you don’t happen to know which show it was? :smile:

I dont watch oprah , so my answer is possibly?

man authority figures need to know what they are talking about before they harp on a subject.

we don’t want LD propoganda floating around.

that is, if Oprah really said such a thing. how in the world can you die in a dream anyway? You can’t, you can only dream about dying.

You guys are to aggressive. You will never help temper ignorance by throwing rocks at it.

The best way to handle an overly religious person like that is to convinve them that LDs fall into the positive side of their believes.

The problem can be though is that some of these people ( meaning everyone ignorant to LD’ing ) can be stubborn and no matter what you say they will hold on to what they think.

Everyone around me freaks out whenever I get into anything that could possibly considered New Age- Lding, hypnosis, etc. People need to stop with the mindless condemnation, but then again, it’s human nature, right?