My Homework is to Keep a DJ Over the Weekend

This should be fairly simple. My history teacher rocks, taking a day to talk about Yaqui and Ojibwa Metaphysics, then assigning us to keep a DJ over the weekend for homework, and telling us that along with it, before we go to sleep, we should tell ourselves that we will dream and we will remember our dreams.

Ojibwa: Focuses a lot on dreams as a second reality and that what’s seen in dreams mirrors the real world.

Yaqui: These people believe that everything is energy and that we perceive this energy through an “assemblage point” on a shell of energy. Probably sounds familiar, it’s from the books written by Carlos Castaneda; books such as The Art Of Dreaming and others.

EDIT: Lots of Typo Fixes

Dude, that assignment does rock! Wish I had cool teachers like that…

What about the poor people who get no dream recall over the weekend? :sad:

That’s a cool assignment. What of all those that are perfectionists. They won’t be able to sleep at night stressing the assignment.

You’ll have to let us know what he has to say about the assignment and why it was given on Monday.

He covered that. They just have to put down “Didn’t Dream” and they get the points.

And sure, Iluminada. I will.

I wish I had homework like this.

Interestingly enought we did talk about dreams in my Communications class today, as part of our essay writing unit. I did a reality check but it turned out to be waking life after all :tongue:

LOL! I suspect your teacher to be a lucid dreamer… :wink:

When you turn in your assignment or if you have to make some sort of class participation of it. Then I’d throw LD4all in there somehow. :wink:

He actually is. He’s mentioned trying to “become aware you are dreaming in a dream.” and succeeding(sp), as he put it. Obviously a Lucid Dream.

And I should mention LD4all in it. See how that turns out.

Maybe he’s come accross LD4all before?

It’s entirely possible, I’ll admit.

Yup, he rocks :happy:

Cool teacher !

Avesome homework !

Omg… why aren’t those kind of teachers born here :cry:

Let us know everything about it :smile: Would be cool if he’s a regular here. Perhaps he’s even reading this thread right now :eek:

That would be… odd.

Didn’t really comment on it today, really. Just had us turn it in, he checked it, and got it back. I can safely say I’m the only person who kept a dream diary in before that, though. My dreams from Saturday and Sunday took up five pages, whereas everyone elses was about half a page.

I should probably go post those in my DJ here, though.
/me goes to get paper with dreams on it

Edit: Dream 1 of 2 up. Link in sig.

what grade did you get? :smile:

10 out of 10, so 100%.

lol pwnd :happy:

If I was assigned homework like that, I’d most definately start dreaming about having sex with beautiful young women.

Xgamer4 I still believe that was an awsome assignment. Maybe he didn’t get enough sleep or have the results he wanted and that’s why he didn’t bring it up.

I still think it definitely was a good assignment.