My imagery was effected by the real world.

I have tried WILD many times, only once successful. Until a week ago, I had never seen any hypnagogic imagery, Here’s how it went:

I was riding in a car, in the late afternoon. I was a bit sleep deprived from my failed attempts at WILD, and it was an hour long car ride so I was getting pretty bored. My tiredness and bored caused me to slowly drift off to sleep…but not quite. I was getting deeper into my thoughts, and I started to see some imagery. I could still hear and feel the motion of the car. I saw myself sitting at a table, with some books and papers on it. My dad who was driving, had to brake. I felt the car slow down, and the books on the table that I saw in my imagery began to slide off the table. Until this point, I wasn’t really too aware of anything that was happening, and then I realized it and I was jolted awake.

I thought this was pretty cool, how my imagery was effected by real world activities. Has anyone else experienced something like this?

well i haven’t experienced this myself, but i think in Mavromatis’ Hypnagogia there is a description of this. Like if the person experiencing hypnagogia hears someone (IRL) talking about the sea, he will start seeing it and pehaps hearing the waves.

Great experience! I haven’t experienced real HI during the day, but when I have them at night they’re sometimes highly affected by real life events. One time for instance I had strong HI about stormy weather and how I ran through it while being chased by some creatures. When I woke up, I heard the rain and winds battering against the window :smile: