First off, the reason im writing this is because im about to go to sleep and wish to get LD on the mind.
It all starts about a year and a half ago. While playing a game online someone said something about lucid dreams. Curious, i asked him what they were about. Freecube32 his name was invited me to an AIM chatroom and we discussed/he told me some techniques.
The first night using MILD nothing happened. I was feeling slightly dissapointed as i was terribly excited to hear about an altrenate reality where you could do anything you want. I conferred with Freecube on AIM and he said this was completely normal.
The second night however i felt some SP and some images shaping in my mind. I was scared so i asked freecube about this as well. He said it was normal and that i probably had a little bit of lucidity. I was exstatic(sp?) about this and the third night i was even more motivated.
This was the night it happened. My first LD. I remember like i just woke up from it. In short, i got to fly a little bit.
My fourth was nothing special, i was semi-lucid and couldn’t do anything.
Soon after my mother gave birth to my baby sister. I was 13 at the time. Also, i was going into 8th grade. Soon all my time had been consumed by things other than Lucid dreaming, and i stopped for a month. After then there was a little more stability around the house so i began to try to Ld again.
I never did see freecube on AIM again.
But alas, here is where the problem is. I CAN’T lucid dream anymore. My dream recall is fine. On a normal night i remember 1-2 dreams. Yet i havn’t LDed in over a year. I’ve tried MILD suneye and numerous other random things. These days i have more time so im getting back into severe overdrive in the effort department.
Normally i would have given up long ago, but thanks to that one LD where i got to fly a little, I still stride to have another no matter how long it takes or how much of my time i must devote to this
Would anyone PLEASE have any suggestions?
there is my story, if you read it, PLEASE reply.