So for a week now i’ve been keeping a dream journal and half-heartedly trying to WILD. Few things i’ve been experiencing about WILD, the first night I tried it, at about 100-120 1, i’m dreaming, I started feeling really warm, and my heart started beating faster, I also felt somewhat aroused, right after that I got weirded out and opened my eyes. Another night when I was trying WILD, i’d count, then my mind would wander off thinking about weird things, i’d stop counting, then i’d be like, “Crap! Keep counting!” and start again, repeat about 4 or 5 times, then I fell asleep. I also had a ND about waking up and sitting up in my bed, but that only lasted maybe a minute. I’m a person who, before this week, hadn’t remembered a dream in maybe 4-5 months. This week i’ve remembered at least 1 dream, most nights more than 2, except for last night. I fall asleep quickly and sleep like a rock.
Any insights on WILD? Have other people experienced what I did? Am i getting closer? Tips?
Your story is basically the same as mine. I havent had much luck with WILD at all and I get distracted easily. I got close once when I went back to sleep in the middle of the night after a ND, but it freaked me out and woke me back up. I too usually cant remember anything, but lately I’ve been having much better recall since starting my DJ. My problem is when i do wake up in the middle of the night my motivation tends to be low. All I want to do is go back to sleep again.
A better way to remember dreams upon awakening is when you wake up, to lie completely still. Don’t move, and just think back on what you were just thinking, what you were just dreaming, and further. Once you have gathered all that you could remember, start writing ^^ at least thats what I do…
WILD really isn’t working for me, i’m going to try one more time tonight, I haven’t really gotten close any night, I think i’ll try something else, probably MILD.
i think it’s worth trying both every time you have a good night for dreaming. Just incorporate MILD into your WILD as insurance for if you fall asleep, I find I often have a lucid dream anyway… especially if I also had done WBTB that night.
Alright, I haven’t had a regular dream in about 3 nights, well that I can remember. I remember vague ideas from the dream throughout the day, but don’t really remember anything specific, at least today. I haven’t been reading this forum, and LDing took a backseat the last few days. I’m more motivated to do it now, even going to sleep earlier than I would have if I didn’t try LDing, this is helping me.
I got interested in the idea of LDing a few weeks ago, so I practiced some of the reality checks and the methods on this site and others. I was going to keep a journal because a lot of times I have trouble remembering dreams, or I think I’ll remember them but later that day totally forget. But I only ended up filling it out for one day, because I had no trouble remembering after I set my mind to it, it was just a waste of time to sit there detailing my dreams. I think there’s only been a couple times the past couple of weeks where I couldn’t remember my dreams. I think I should probably start jotting down just a few details so I can remember when I dreamed which dream, but as long as I’m having much less trouble recalling dreams the journal isn’t as important.
However, I wasn’t successful in lucid dreaming and started to stop trying as hard, until today. I was taking a nap after school and my dream was in one of my classes where a very unusual, annoying girl sits next to me and my friend. We’re a little mean to her, not to her face, but in my dream she found we were the ones who were prank calling her and she started crying. My friend and I ducked under the desk and she started laughing, and I remember feeling a little bad but I started laughing too because I thought to myself “I know this a dream, so it doesn’t matter if I laugh” and then I thought “I should try LDing!” And right then a felt a buzzing/vibrating sensation and it was like I was waking up but still in my dream, and all of sudden everything was brighter. I was still on the floor, and all I did was move my hands around to try to get up and that’s when I started to lose control and started to fly backwards. At first I tried fighting it and regaining control but I thought “What the hell, flying is fun too” and I flew backwards into nothingness (this buzzing feeling still there) and I tried to put myself in another situation but couldn’t, and decided to just open my eyes because at that point I was almost awake. When I woke up my heart rate was really fast and I was excited because this was the first time I exercised at least some control over my dreams, even though it only lasted a matter of seconds. Something similar happened about a week ago when I was sleeping and I thought of lucid dreaming and that buzzing feeling happened, then I woke up.
I’m pretty sure that this can be considered an LD, at least in some form, I’m just wondering if anyone is familiar with that feeling of vibration and buzzing when you realize you’re dreaming and attempt to control it?
Trust me on this, even if all you remember from the dream is a single object or you emotions, write them down. First, it might remind you of other parts of the dream, and writing in your DJ every dat sends a very strong message to your subconcious that remembering your dreams is important, so your recall will increase. But this alone is not enough for good recall. Dude, you can’t just instantly start trying to WILD the moment you begin learning to LD. Don’t even try to induce an LD until you can remember at least one (two is really recomended) dream per night. By this point your recall may begin to automaticly keep increasing. Just keep writing your DJ, and before you try to WILD, just keep repeating something like “i am dreaming. I wake up. I remember my dreams” while visualising yourself waking up and writing down your dreams. You can also do what I do and incorporate dream recall statements into your regular MILD statements. I’m sorry if that’s a little too much information at one time, just trying to help out.
Anyway, welcome to the forums, and I wish you luck on your quest for lucidity!
As for the buzzing, I honestly don’t have a really correct answer for you, the most I can tell you was the buzzing could have been from you waking up, but there are a few techniques you can use to help you stay dreaming. Such as rubbing your hands, or spinning on your axis (spinning around like you were trying to get dizzy), or shouting out “Increase Lucidity!”
I did read about that, and after waking up I knew I forgot to try rubbing my hands or spinning.
Thanks for the advice survivorman, I know I’m a bit lazy when it comes to the DJ but now that I had a small lucid experience my motivation is a little higher again, so I’ll try to find the time to write things down. I haven’t been all that serious about trying it lately so I was a bit surprised when it happened yesterday.
when your counting, try saying “im dreaming” in between every number, it keeps you counting, but also helps you remember what the purpose was so you dont wander off