last night, i had 2 lucid dreams. the first lasting around 5 minutes and the second around 10. both, however, were not very vivid. i always hear that the dreams instantly become more vivid upon becoming lucid, but that doesnt seem to happen w/ me.
is there a way to make lucid dreams last longer and be more vivid and not dull, gloomy, or dimmed? ive tried yelling out commands, but that never seems to help.
Unfortunatly, there is nothing about LD’ing that is the same for everyone, except that they are lucid in the dream.
There are lots of things that are generaly true, but there are always people who have a different expeance.
If your LD’s are not very vivid, then try some of the technics to incress vividness. Shouting “incress vividness” is one. Looking at something very close works for some people.
Fact is you have to try differnt things and find out what works for you.
There’s absolutely no need to worry about this issue you speak of! Most of my lucid dreams have been just like the ones you describe; no better than the normal dreams that they spawned from. I’ve only had a couple that were very vivid, and those were simply lucky experiences.
You could try to simply do something that uses the senses you want to enhance. Spinning works for me sinse vision and sounds are usually normal anyway the tactile experience is the only thing i care to enhance under normal conditions. I don’t do much smelling or tasting so it hasn’t come up much.