My mouth...when dreaming LD´s

I got some sort of problem with my mouth. It´s open when i´m asleep. And i do always wake up with my mouth open. That makes me very dry i it and people say that i snore a lot.
Ofcourse i dont walk around with my mouth open during the days. I keep it shut without thinking about it. But when i fall alsleep it opens… :neutral:
But last time i had a LD i noticed that when i came into it, I did shut my mouth. Just like during the day. And i woke up with my mouth shut. :confused:

Kind´a mystical. :bored:

how old are you?

you may have sleep apnea…

Or maybe he just sleeps with his mouth open? Is having your mouth open a sign of sleep apnea?

Did you know that there is a sport involving the voluntary use of apnea to dive down to unbelievable depths without any sort of breathing apparatus, and that people train themselves to do this sort of thing? wierd huh? but kinda cool

I´m 15 years old…

Sleep Apnea? :confused: I´ve never heard about it before…
Tell me about Sleep Apnea.

you stop breathing during the night, people with apnea often snore

i’ve been lucid and started suffocating and had my nose plug up… assumedly in real life, it felt way too painful to be dream pain.

i’m not sure exactly how it works but the throat sort of “folds up” if you will, restricting the airway…

people can stop breathing hundreds of times per night.

Well…I dont think i have sleep apnea.
I belive i breath through my nose, but my mouth is open…i think it´s just cause my mouth is like that…i´ts open when it´s relaxed…

i automatically open my mouth when i’m really concentrating on something.