Allright well here is what happened. I tried WILD while going to sleep last night, and I guess I was staying too concious, because I stayed up for an hour and 45 minutes trying it. Then I decided to just wake up and browse the forums for a bit.
After about 30 minutes I went back to bed, at 2:30, with some nice mellow Pink Floyd playing, hoping to induce some sort of Music Induced WILD. I decided to try and let my mind drift as to fall asleep easier. I guess eventually I kind of fell asleep.
In my dream, I remember being in some sort of mall and there was this little lucidity booth, where you could sit and it would increase your lucidity and stuff for you, it had little excercises that would increase your lucidity, but I didn’t actually try it. Then I tried lucidity x1000, and I remember someone laughing at me and telling me that was too low of a number, so I did x100 000 and everything felt brighter, clearer. Now the thing is, I was still not lucid, I was kind of just pre lucid, and I really should have gone lucid.
Next thing, I’m in a circular food court, I meet a friend and talk to him for a bit, then grab a bite to eat. I guess the food court slowly morphed into a supermarket, and we realise it’s about to close, so we start running toward the cash, which is a few hundred meters down this long, wide, empty hallway, I distinctly remember seeing my cd player which I dont use anymore (as I have a minidisk player now) hanging from the headphone cable, as my friend was running, and carrying it. I decided not to tell him cause it seemed like it wasn’t going to fall, and we were in a big rush.
Now here is the very interesting thing for me. When we got to the cashier, they said it was closed. Now, everything suddenly went dark, very vividly, quickly. It was like in those movies, or a show, where it’s over, and the lights just go out, like I might have even heard a “game over” type noise, but not the actual words game over, more like a decompressing. Now a computer like console, like you would find in lots of computer games, or like ms dos, came down and it started saying things like, dream over, you fail. Then it started saying, erasing memory of this dream, erasing memory of this, that, etc. Then since my music was playing, it said, erasing memory of music, and it said that it was playing some music from my head, to keep me busy while erasing the real music (I think the song changed). Either way, I woke up and it was just cool to be so close to lucidity and have the cool console thing happen.
EDIT: after reading over my dream journal once again, I realise I forgot to mention something else I find pretty cool. In this dream I felt stoned, and attributed most of the odd sensations to being stoned. This happened to me in my last dream that I remember so vividly as well, and I think it might be wise for me to do some RCs or try to remember to do RCs when I do drugs. Although that’s only about once a week if that. But yeah, I just thought it was cool that I attribute those feelings to being high.