My new dream friend ^^

I know that this is random, and probably no-one cares, but anyway… :grin:

It started with a non-lucid nightmare, where my grandma had become an evil witch and was chasing after me all the time XD Then a girl appeared to help me… She was a very faitful dream friend, so to say - often dream friends in non-lucid dreams just come and go (suddenly disappeared), but she stayed with me during the whole, long dream. At first I didn’t know her name (or even think about it), but when I needed to call (NOT by phone XD) her, a weird name popped up in my mind: Djii!

Well, last night I had an apparently lucid dream, where I was hanging out with my best friend from real life. We were telling jokes and had fun, but I decided to try to switch her to Djii, just for… no specific reason :tongue:
It happened, and Djii appeared instead of my best friend! :happy: My best friend had been funny, but Djii was totally HILARIOUS! She was making weird, but extremely funny jokes all the time :tongue: I remember some of them word to word, but now when I’m awake they feel so weird, that I wont write them here XD

Later, when I thought about it, Djii ACTUALLY had appeared in my dreams even before, but I hadn’t known her name, or even her very well :confused:

Talking about weird names… an other dream friend of mine (actually she’s my twin sister in dreams) is called “Joy-Lin” :eek: Where do those names really come from? XD

The first dream, where I remember seeing Djii was an awesome adventure dream, where I, Joylin and Djii were living in the middle of a jungle, until we… died? Possibly… cause one day we just found ourselves as ghosts! Then we started to travel the world (still as ghosts), and a lot of things happened, until we finally returned to our home jungle ^^

Well that’s wonderful! :colgate: Have you thought about using her for CALD? (or a lighter variation, just asking her in dreams to make you lucid next time)

Very cool. From everything I’ve read so far, DC’s can make for very interesting friends. Like tosxy said, you might want to look into CALD. There’s a big thread on it around here somewhere.


Djii sounds like someone I’d like to meet! :happy:

:content: I love when I have reoccuring DC’s. They help me become lucid and they make for interesting dreams

That’s it! Tonight I’m making a dream friend :razz:

Wow, that sounds really cool! Agreed with Sonia, I’d like to meet her too ^^ And I like her name as well!

well… the name exists… now you must find if your friend may be real somewhere…

Hmm, but it says there that Djii is a male, so it can’t be her. However, I don’t doubt that she might be a real person.