I was taking my daily nap, and what I had been leading up to withour even realizing it finally happened. Over the past couple weeks near the beginning of my naps, I had been starting to feel a floating sensation, but woke myself up because it felt too werid. Today, the most amazing thing happened. As I felt the foating sensation, instead of waking myself up, I let it continue, and after a few seconds, I was staring down at my own body- I had an out of body experience. I opened my “eyes” and looked around. Everything was dark and in slow motion. I heard a wooshing sound around my ears, liek i was caught in a slow mo tornado. I hovered there for a couple seconds, lookign around the room, and it was as if I wasn’t really dreaming, and my sould was really outside my body, looking around. The room didn’t look all different, like in a dream, the details, as far as I remeber, were the same as when woke up. After I hovered, the scene shrunk before me and I moved, either under my own will or not, I can’t rememebr, I accelrated extremely fast thorugh Charle’s side of the wall. I felt like I was zooming out of the galaxy, the universe, and for one moment, I saw the whole world, everything, at once. Then I returned to my body, and slowly woke up. It was unlike any, any, dream I’ve had before, if it was even a dream at all.

Oh my god! Sounds like you had a time. How’d you feel afterwards?

i think you (well, they usually call it OBE) AP’‘d
tho it could be a dream of an AP, i’'m not sure, at least, congrats

Sorry to bring such an OLD topic back up. The people that posted in this topic aren’t even active anymore.

Next time, it’s better, instead of bumping an old topic, to create yours and put inside a link towards the old topic. :wink: Thus your have your own title and people know what they answer to.

But I feel that shrinking of your room feeling a lot. I never really cared about it, but it feld as though my room really shrank and I was looking from my perspective to that smaller room right in front of me. I never combined this ‘feeling’ (cos I actually don’t feel a thing while seeing that) to an OBE. Has this happened to anyone before?