Keep in mind this IS about dreams.
For a christmas and birthday present, I got a pocket PC. When I go to sleep at night, I leave it in it’s pouch on my bedside table. Since this event occurs in my bed at night, I can’t tell if it is a dream or not. I end up holding my PC, with the blank screen, not knowing if it is dream or real. I turn my head for a second, then look back in my hands… It’s gone. I look back on my table and I see it there in it’s pouch.
There’s another situation, where I drop it on my bed. I start feeling around the covers with my hands and It’s not there. I only dropped it for a second, and it wound up back on my table, in the pouch.
Dreams, probably. See if you can condition yourself to do a reality check out of habit whenever you use your pocket PC; you should be able to get some lucid dreams from it.
It happened to me so many times, I do RCs. To do this RC, I just look away from my hands, then look back at them to see if my PC is in them. If not, I realise, then wake up. When I wake up, I see no actual changes in what I see, since it is so dark anyway. It’s as if the dream and RL look exactly the same and there is not even a transition between the two.
Seems to be a quite common problem, if your bedroom is very dark. Mine isn’t that dark anyway, even in the night. Although I cover the window some light from the streetlamps and propably the moon gets through.
Perhaps you can try to make your bedroom more light, too…
Un-freakin-believable! I made it a dreamsign and for the first time, I noticed it and went lucid this morning! I yelled out “increase lucidity” about 5 times just to hold everything down. The recall is pretty dim now, and it’s only been a few hours. I remember 2 things very well, and one of them is quite funny…
The first one is that i could fly in some form. I could leap quite high and far, and the gravity evn felt less effective because i fell down VERY slow. I tried the runway method and it sucked. I ran along the road and jumped and I just fell on my face, makes me look stupid to all the DCs around me.
The second and funny thing is that I tried to call a friend. I could’nt remember phone numbers in the dream, so I went across the road to a phone booth that had two thick “white pages”. The books were only there because I wanted them to be. Infact, the phonebooth was aswell, and probably the shop, it was only across the road. That’s just convenient!
Anyway, for my birthday my friend bought me a waterproof quiz book. I opened the PHONE book first, and I saw quiz questions. What the hell? Then I looked in the QUIZ book, and there were phone numbers. I love my dreams when they’re screwed up like that.