My pcoket PC disappears from my hands...

Keep in mind this IS about dreams.
For a christmas and birthday present, I got a pocket PC. When I go to sleep at night, I leave it in it’s pouch on my bedside table. Since this event occurs in my bed at night, I can’t tell if it is a dream or not. I end up holding my PC, with the blank screen, not knowing if it is dream or real. I turn my head for a second, then look back in my hands… It’s gone. I look back on my table and I see it there in it’s pouch.

There’s another situation, where I drop it on my bed. I start feeling around the covers with my hands and It’s not there. I only dropped it for a second, and it wound up back on my table, in the pouch.

Are these dreams, or hallucinations? :cry:

Dreams, probably. See if you can condition yourself to do a reality check out of habit whenever you use your pocket PC; you should be able to get some lucid dreams from it. :cool:

It happened to me so many times, I do RCs. To do this RC, I just look away from my hands, then look back at them to see if my PC is in them. If not, I realise, then wake up. When I wake up, I see no actual changes in what I see, since it is so dark anyway. It’s as if the dream and RL look exactly the same and there is not even a transition between the two.

Do you think I should make my PC a dreamsign? :confused: :smile:

Yeah, that’s what I’d do. But I guess it doesn’t help that you wake up whenever you realize you’re dreaming. :confused:

You might just be having false awakenings when you think you’re waking up, though.

dreams bro,

hey man im also 14 and live in australia - where abouts in aus are you

Seems to be a quite common problem, if your bedroom is very dark. Mine isn’t that dark anyway, even in the night. Although I cover the window some light from the streetlamps and propably the moon gets through.

Perhaps you can try to make your bedroom more light, too…

Could also be negative and positive hallucinations.

This kind of thing happens often with car keys and wallets and such, you think it’s somewhere and it’s somewhere else, etc…

Un-freakin-believable! I made it a dreamsign and for the first time, I noticed it and went lucid this morning! I yelled out “increase lucidity” about 5 times just to hold everything down. The recall is pretty dim now, and it’s only been a few hours. I remember 2 things very well, and one of them is quite funny…

The first one is that i could fly in some form. I could leap quite high and far, and the gravity evn felt less effective because i fell down VERY slow. I tried the runway method and it sucked. I ran along the road and jumped and I just fell on my face, makes me look stupid to all the DCs around me.

The second and funny thing is that I tried to call a friend. I could’nt remember phone numbers in the dream, so I went across the road to a phone booth that had two thick “white pages”. The books were only there because I wanted them to be. Infact, the phonebooth was aswell, and probably the shop, it was only across the road. That’s just convenient!

Anyway, for my birthday my friend bought me a waterproof quiz book. I opened the PHONE book first, and I saw quiz questions. What the hell? Then I looked in the QUIZ book, and there were phone numbers. I love my dreams when they’re screwed up like that.

That’s all I can remember.