My power (What I can do when lucid dreaming)

awww, poor turtle, actually no, its was deadly, it could crush steel with its teeth lol. - I have a dream friend who happends to be a t-rex LOL :tongue:

If i read one more analogy with the Matrix and lding im gonna go Ape Sh*t!

Its a great way to think and compare, but come on people there are so many better movies out there than the Matrix.

if you can think of any popular movie that deals so cloesly with LDing that most people on this board have seen and can relate to… then i’m all ears

Waking Life, Total recall, Vanilla Sky, Nightmare on elm street, Twin Peaks, What dreams may come, Groundhogs day, and thats just off the top of my head.

Err Double Post, Ill make something of it :content:

how is total recall related to LDing? same question for groundhog day. actually nevermind i haven’t seen groundhog day in a while and now i remember the theme (not as cool as the matrix though :smile:)

i haven’t seen most of the movies you listed though, but i don’t see how i can call myself an LDer and have never seen waking life so i think i might rent that tonight (you can rent it right?)

Best power I’ve done was just last night. I set my friend’s hair on fire with my mind in revenge.

Yeah, you should definitely rent waking life out oNeiRoMAnCEr, coincidently I got it out just last night and it really motivated me towards my dreams.

I tried the tsunami thing in an LD last night. I quite often have dreams where there are huge waves for some reason, but last night the water was calm so I decided to make it how it should be :grin: . I did more or less the same as you described, but without killing people, they were surfing on it instead… :happy: I didn’t actually have to try very hard at all to do it either, and it was the first time I’d tried anything like that.

ok, i just rented and watched waking life for the first time… i would say what i thought here, but it has nothing to do w/ the topic (does this thread even have a topic?) so if you wanna know why i thought that movie sucked please go here

No, but he’s got a point. (Oneiromancer, I’m guessing you’re male) The guy comes in here and starts boasting about his powers, and there seems to be no point to this topic except to show off. I mean, to be fair, being able to create a tidal wave is impressive, but still…

The only rules in the dream world are ones YOU allow to be. So there really are no rules only mental blocks.

heh, thx for the support wannabe. and yes, i’m a guy (there really should be a thing for male/female and age on our profiles)

dreamwalker, i agree

. ’

Okiedokie, Total Recall was about a movie of a so-called erased past or in the other hand a dream sequence that total recall created for him(thats the story). All of his personal options were chosen before lift off, but the movie ends without knowing if the whole movie was actually real or just a dream. I watched that movie over 100 times, and it still seems like the first every time i see it and i can still never figure out the ending.

Relation to lding, freewill, knowing that he had control over recall you matter what, b/c it was his life/dream and the limits were his.(Arnold even saved the planet Mars) Thats a great analogy, who ever saved Mars in there Lucid Dream? :eh:

And Groundhog day, he could of done anything he wanted, b/c you matter what he did the next was Groundhog day.(that reminds me of something…ummm Dreams?) So everyday for him was technically, a false awakening.

I love movies :content: