Very deep sigh
I’ve been attempting to lucid dream for 8 months now. How many lucid dreams have I had? Err, I think over 10. But those were all just dreams where I knew I was dreaming, but I still wasnt there “realtime”, everything was third person, and I definately did NOT have any control.
Now, just for the record, about normal dreaming. I’m confused. For me, normal dreaming is just going to sleep, waking up 2 sec later with hopefully “memories” printed in my mind that I recognise as dreams. It’s not like I have actually experienced them when they actually happened, they are … well, memories.
I’ve talked to a lot of people, and some say they have the same as me, and some people say they experience their dreams when they actually happen, as if it were waking life, except they don’t know they’re dreaming and thus recognise pink monsters and flying elephants as common everyday things. They still experience it like, well, a lucid dream with full control, except for the knowing youre dreaming part. For me, it’s like watching a movie.
So question 1: Which of the two (or maybe you have something else? Tell me) is it for you? How do you experience normal dreams?
So, as I said, my lucid dreams… I knew I was dreaming so they were LDs, but I did not have any control, I followed the flow of the dream, I wasn’t there realtime… It’s like an ND, except I did stuff like flying. I did not experience it like waking life or anything: being there.
I’ve done reality checks. Hell yeah. If I got lucid it was because of reality checks. I’m guessing that method works best for me. Still, I did not gain “true” lucidity; being there realtime, I mean. As I do not control myself and it is just a memory and like, someone else is in control, I cant do “more” reality checks unless my dream self decides to.
Question 2: How do I get more control? Attain lucidity with actual control? Even just being there and having a LITTLE control is fine, but I want to consciously stabilize my dream, etc.
I’ve attempted WILD a couple of times but I always lose consciousness. I never even came close to HI, I did have a falling sensation once, but I did WILD without having slept first so I knew on forehand I was going to fail that WILD.
Help meeeeee.