I did WILD today, and I was instantly into my dad’s house. I recognise this is probably a dream, since I live in my mom’s house.
I run to the kitchen, yet none of the reality checks works. My mind is probably confused, and I decide that this is NOT a dream yet I am sure that I slept at my house. I was puzzled: How can this not be a dream, and 2 minutes ago I was somewhere else?
By the way, the house was exactly as real life. Probably thats why RCs failed…
This happens. In some dreams, RC’s simply don’t work.
I find persistance finally gets them to work - I’ve spent an entire ND taking RC’s and ahving them fail, until they finally worked right near the end.
Anyways, never take a RC as the final ‘answer’. If you’re sure that your dreaming, but your RC’s tell you otherwise, just ignore them.
Plus your RC’s don’t seem all that great. Remember, dreams can mimic the real world and make it seem like you are awake. Never fall into that trap (I did the first time my RC’s passed, and lost lucidity).
Try some other RC’s:
Couting your fingers to see if they have the right amount.
Pinch your nose shut and try to breathe through it.
Close one eye and check to see if you can see your nose.
Check the time, look away and check again. Has it changed?
Do the same, but with writing.
Put your hand through a wall or mirror.
Put a finger through your other hand.
I think i once pinched my nose in a dream and i could still breath and i can remember thinking “oh yes, i can breath through my closed nose, very normal”. usually when i am dreaming i have no dam idea what the hell a dream is. but when i am awake i usually never even think for a second that im dreaming, exept when i wake up in the morning and i forgot to take my pills. any1 ever wake up after 18 hours of sleep on a normal sleeping scedual. feels pretty wierd.
Yea, few nights ago i had the same problem: RC worked, but my brain did not
I had a dream about class gathering, and in some point i did nose RC and it somehow worked. But my brain said: nah, this gathering was scheduled, so it cannot be a dream. And i agreed with that.
After that i had FA where i told to somebody about this dream and how my brain fooled me. After that i started to do something else and did random nose RC, what somehow worked again. But as there were some people i was bit shy to re-check my nose, so i decided that soon i will go to other room and try there. Unfortunately “soon” never came, because soon i woke up