My Results and Questions (New Member here!)

I’m happy to hear of your quick and positive results, well done! I think most people don’t mind if you make a new thread for each specific question but I’ll be checking this thread too if there’s something minor you want to chat about.

It feels like only yesterday that I was in your shoes, new to LDing and LD4All, 14 years old, super enthusiastic and motivated… How the years fly… Things like this that make me realize how long I have been here haha.

Well in any case, as someone new to the site and perhaps LDing in general, I’d like to share one my favorite ways of getting lucid: FILD
[Hargart's Induction Technique Log (HILD))

I’ve personally had a lot of success with it and would like everyone to know and hopefully also use it for reliable and great LDs :happy:

Good luck in all your future LDs! I wish you the best of luck