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Comunicating with your subconscios:
All of the exercises presented on PsiPog are great for accomplishing tasks and getting better using psi, but your subconscious is the gatekeeper. Basically, all the exercises are instructions to your subconscious to do something. Visualizations, anchoring, associations, and any other trick we can pull out of our sleeves are all geared at telling your subconscious what you want to do. You don’t move the psi, you don’t make the psi ball, you don’t spin the pinwheel; your subconscious does.
This is a scary concept for some people. Some of us have the power to do some amazing things with our mind - what if our subconscious just decided to do these things without our permission?* I’ve been mad enough at a person to think “I’m gonna kill you!” but of course I didn’t mean it - what if my subconscious misunderstood? What if it thought I was giving it a command? Or what if my subconscious develops an attitude of it’s own and decides by itself to hurt someone? It is a scary concept - but that’s just more of a reason why we need to be able to communicate clearly with our subconscious and tell it what we really want. The subconscious mind is like a computer - it doesn’t make decisions on it’s own unless we program it to. Your subconscious is your responsibility, and the only way to know what is programmed in your head is to develop a link and check it out yourself.
“You’re nuts - I control my body - my subconscious doesn’t play that big of a role.” Oh really? What do you do in life without first asking for something from your subconscious? You move your fingers, but do you send the electrical signals to your muscles? You walk to the store, but do you process the air you breath to give your legs energy? Even something as simple as thinking requires electricity and a specific balance of chemicals. It seems this “subconscious” isn’t just a handy tool to manipulate for psionics - it’s a part of everything you do. Communicating with your subconscious is vital for success in controlling your body and mind.
Not many people are comfortable with the idea of talking to themselves. I hear voices in my head, don’t you ? Society has branded us as crazy, but since we’re already talking about moving things with our minds and reading another’s mind, why let the immature labels stop you from learning about your own body? After all, this is your body, not society’s, so it’s good to keep tabs on what’s going on inside of it. Not only that, but your subconscious is a part of you. It’s not some external object or entity.** Nothing is wrong with exploring your own mind.
Right Now
The first thing to realize is that your subconscious is talking to you right now. It could be spattering off information you’ve requested without even realizing it, giving you a status report on a cut you have on your leg, or telling you to “scratch that itch”. Ever think about how you know certain things? How do you know when you’re hungry? How do you know when you have to go to the bathroom? How do you remember things? We take a lot of things for granted and have learned through bad habits to ignore messages that aren’t vital to our existence. That song on the radio or that TV show is more important than how much water is in our system - let “someone else” take care of that, right? Oh hell no ! Unfortunately, there are a lot of useful messages that aren’t vital that we learn to ignore. Not only that, but the link goes both ways - once you get the hang of it, you’re free to ask your subconscious questions along with receive these handy messages.
If your subconscious is talking right now, why don’t you hear it? Most likely because you’re thinking about ten thousand useless things at once and you drown it out. You won’t hear it like you hear normal noises; it “talks” to you with flashes of emotion and thought concepts. It’s talking to you right now, maybe if you listened you’d hear something. Ever notice meditation is aimed at getting your conscious mind shut up? Sylvia Boorstein is quoted saying, “Don’t just do something. Sit there.” We don’t think it’s great just because we’re cruel and want you to sit in your room alone. Keep your mind still for five minutes and listen!
How I Started
What got me hooked? Quite frankly, I read this: (if that link doesn’t work for some reason, e-mail me and I can send you what’s on that page at the time I’m writing this).
You start by asking yourself questions in your head and waiting for the answer. Start simple: “Am I hungry?”. Or, how about something suggested on the link above: “What is love?”. Now just wait for the answer. Don’t create the answer - just listen for one to emerge. Chances are you won’t hear anything, but you might feel something. You have a feeling for what “hungry” means and you intuitively know what “love” is, listen for these feelings and try to translate them into words. This is how I started, so this is the only way I know for someone else to do it. Get in the habit of talking to yourself and asking yourself questions, then learn to shut up and listen for the answer.
After a while you’ll notice a difference between thinking and sending information to your subconscious. At first you’ll just have to try asking yourself mentally and waiting for an answer, but eventually you’ll pick up on the different kinds of thoughts in your head and which ones are messages to your subconscious, which ones are messages from your subconscious, and which ones are just normal thoughts.
How to Hear the Answers
As mentioned above, meditation is pretty useful for building a link with your subconscious. Meditation by itself doesn’t create the verbal link most are looking for though. Most people aren’t happy with the way the subconscious delivers the messages so they create a mental device to translate the messages into words and sentences. If you combine this mental translator with the ability to listen without butting in, you’ll easily be able to speak with your subconscious.
The only way to develop this mental device is to practice, as far as I know. Be in tune with your emotions and work on translating what you feel into words. Work on translating thought concepts as well. Some people think in words, some people think in emotion. Think in both. If you want your subconscious to speak to you in English, you need to give it the information to do so. What does “happy” feel like, and can you translate freely between “happy” and its emotion state? You’ll notice while doing this that “happy” and many other words can have a lot of different emotions associated with it. The context of the word is generally what dictates the emotion. Don’t just work on single word translations, but try to translate entire sentences into a single emotion. Work on translating a single emotion into sentences and paragraphs as well. You need to be able to rip an emotion apart and analyze every section of it.
The downside of this translation is that you lose some of the meaning. I’ve had conversations with my subconscious where I couldn’t translate the emotion sent to me. It was too complex. I could feel it in a millisecond, but I couldn’t put it into words without writing a book. The translator is nice, but don’t force every emotion to go through it, because some just can’t be understood with the English language. Also, don’t blame your subconscious for shitty translation. Your subconscious will send you the emotion, and if you suck at translating and get the wrong message, that’s your fault. When I first started talking with my subconscious, it would tell me “wrong” things and I got pissed. Eventually I found out that it was telling me the right things, I just sucked at translating it. Use your translator wisely - don’t be dependant on it.
Benefits of the Link
What’s so great about talking with your subconscious anyways? First, it has a great memory. My subconscious will speak up sometimes and say stuff like “Don’t forget you have to call Kim about your job interview”. Oh yeah! I can also program it to remind me of something at a specific time: “Hey, can you remind me I need to feed the dog at five o’clock?”, “Sure”. I’ve also programmed it to wake me up at certain times when I was first communicating with it just to fool around. What about psionic applications? Empathy and Telepathy rely heavily on translating images and emotions into words and the ability to think in different states and understand different thought formats. Learning new skills are a lot easier when you can tell your subconscious exactly what you need: “Rainsong was telling me about these things called ‘force bubbles’. She says to create a psi ball with a shield around it that exerts force outwards. Let’s try that”. There are a thousand examples where my subconscious has helped me achieve something faster because I could tell it exactly what I wanted. By far though, the best thing that has resulted from my link is the deal I made with my subconscious.
The Deal
Honestly, one of the most useful things I’ve done my entire life is made a deal with my subconscious. It’s pretty simple: I take care of “him”, and “he” takes care of me. I suggest everyone make a similar deal with theirs. I can credit my college GPA to my subconscious’ ability to take care of me. I’ve gone into tests knowing 20% of the material, and come out with a 90% grade. This past semester I got a B in both Biology and Asian Literature courtesy of my subconscious. I should have failed Biology and gotten at most a C in Asian Literature, but somehow I got one point over the grade cutoff in Biology and 0.2 points over the grade cutoff in Asian Lit. What’s that mean? Had I missed one more question on any of the tests (in either class), I would have gotten a C. Coincidence? The semester I took Calculus based Physics, I went into the final exam knowing about 20% of the material, and it just so happens that the professor scheduled the final exam on a day that wasn’t allowed by the University, so he was forced to make it optional. A professor whose been teaching for over 30 years makes a mistake like that on his own? I don’t think so. These are just a few examples of grade-enhancement using the subconscious - I’ve got about a dozen others.
What else has the deal given me? Perfect timing. I walk to the busiest intersections and never have to wait for cars to clear out. I bump into a girl I’ve been thinking about on a campus with 30,000 students. I’ve forgotten to set my alarm for final exams and woken up when I’m supposed to, only to notice then that the alarm isn’t set. Not just once either. Things just seem to work out in my favor all the time as well. I find eleven dollars on the ground in the middle of a city. I go get a drink at a bar and the bartender gives it to me for free. Why? “It’s on the house”. Ok !
That’s only half the deal. What do I have to trade for this good fortune? Well, I have to help my subconscious out. I’ve gotten a lot of strange requests, but I do what I’m told. Nothing bad, and I suggest seeing a psychiatrist if your subconscious starts telling you to do bad things, but just weird. Commands like “walk faster”, or “turn left”, or “don’t eat that, get this instead”. Easy enough to perform, just might get you strange looks from someone watching you. “Bring that with you”, “What am I going to need that for?”, “Just bring it”. Things that, as far as I know, have little to no affect, but it keeps my subconscious happy. Who knows, maybe I’m helping someone else who has a deal with their subconscious. I get anywhere from ten to twenty requests a day. My subconscious has even played a roll in this article: “Don’t write that - write about this”. Ok. After a while you stop asking “why” and just do it. Before you know it you have a successful website, healthy body, and good grades to show the parents .
Any last tips?
Meditate. I know it sucks. I know it’s boring. But it does help a lot. You need to learn to shut your mind up - it is essential. The translator doesn’t do you any good if you can’t hear the messages in the first place.
Also, try manually translating your questions into emotions, and send the emotions to your subconscious. Your subconscious can get the wrong messages from your poor translation, so if you have a serious question that’s pretty complex, translate it manually and make sure you have the right emotion before you send it to your subconscious. Don’t be afraid to use images and other senses along with your emotions. Don’t describe what something looks like, send an image. If you get good, you can start sending animations or three-dimensional areas.
I hope this article has helped those of you that wish to get some more control over your body and mind. The subconscious is like a computer - it will do exactly what you tell it to do. If you program it to alert you of simple things, then you’ll get simple things. If you take more control and program it to send you complex data, then you’ll get complex data. Don’t be a lazy ass - things take time and effort, and this one is well worth it.
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