Hey all im new here, and have been practicing with lucid dreaming.
Well i havent reached it, But i feel im close.Every night i remember 4 dreams and right them in my journal, after 29 dreams i read through my journal and realised that in one dream a night out of 4, im always back at pre school,sometimes high school. Is this my theme? Does anyone know, after alot of dreams this is the main thing that repeats. I have finished school.
And yesterday i was thinking, i’ll use the school to aware myself that im dreaming, but i dont know how to do that.Last night i had a dream again that i was in pre school walking around with no one there, and it didnt hit me that i was dreaming.
How do i do this?
Also how many weeks or months did it take for everyone to become lucid?
It took me about 2 weeks to have my first LD, but I’ve only had a decently long one a couple of nights ago, and I’ve been going for about a month and a half.
Oh yeah, I forgot: Welcome, and good luck with LDing. It really is rewarding.
It’s difficult to make a dreamsign/theme/whatever you want to call it unless it’s something you see relatively often in real life. Of course, if it’s something you see too often, you’ll just get bored with doing constant RCs, and give up. So yeah, try and think “next time I’m in my preschool, I’m dreaming”. Or do the same with high school, presuming you don’t go there any more (I don’t know how old you are, so mweh). But on the whole, a better dreamsign is one you can practice with a bit in RL.
i tried doing that thing where you tell yoursel next time i’m in school, i’ll know i’m dreaming and so far it hasn’t worked yet. now i’m moving on to telling myself that next time i see my girlfriend in a dream (she is in my dreams very often) that i’ll realize i’m dreaming. it should work good because she’s on vacation so…wish me luck
I’ve read your first lucid dream in your journal.What did you to to become lucid the first time?
I find that I cant use Mild because, i cant go to sleep with thinking about something.
But yeah back on my school dreams, ive finished school 3 years ago.And im always dreaming about it mainly pre school. Im trying to be aware that when im at school again i will know that im dreaming.
Yeah, I also find MILD very tricky (not to mention frustrating). In my dreams, I can never remember what causes me to do a RC, it just seems to happen (either that or there was a significant reason, but I just can’t remember it, but I don’t think so).
it didn’t really work for me for about a week either…you just kinda have to keep repeating things in your head…don’t just say them once make like a whole list of things to keep repeating. i’ve been doing this lately too: do your normal list, then just keep repeating one phrase…something like “i’m gonna go lucid tonight” and just keep repeating it a lot of times and eventually it’ll become kind of a mini habit and you’ll start to drift off saying it and you can stop when you get too tired and just go to sleep. also i woke up at about 7:30 am and came to this site and posted and stuff, then i went back to bed at about 7:45. according to a lot of people waking up in the morning then going back to sleep is the best method to try to get LDs and it worked great for me. i think it’s called WBTB method (wake back to bed method)…hope that helps
Im getting close to having a Lucid dream, last night in my dreams i was talking to someone about what dreams i have.According to the site im right near hitting lucid, its only been 2 weeks of practice but everynight i recall 3-4 dreams.
keep going sounds like you’re doing good. you’re getting close and it’ll happen. that never happened for me, i’ve never noticed anything about dreams while i’m dreaming except for that one time i’ve gone lucid, so keep at it.
The past 2 nights My theme or things i always notice in my dreams arent there anymore. And i didnt mention anything about dreaming like in my other 2 dreams i had.Whats going on? Im worried, i was at one stage of being close to lucid, now it seems like its fading away.
They say that when you talk about dreams in a dream, your very close.I had 2 dreams in a row that i talked about dreams now its gone.
last night i had a dream dealing with dreams…i worked at some place and i think it might’ve been like the movie monsters inc except with dreams not screams lol…i dunno if that means i was close or what but it was a cool dream.
Unless you got some seriously godly incubating skills, your dreams won’t always have a specific dream sign. I usually dream about my old junior high school. Lately I’ve been dreaming about a girl I like, last night I was searching for her at my old school.
If you keep thinking positive and trying you’re sure to have success. I personally have never recognized a dreamsign, it usually just happens that I realize I’m dreaming.