My theorys of the possibilitys of Lucid Dreaming

moved from pathways :moogle:

As it is only in your own mind, do you think it’s possible to somehow “Access” your memorys etc, and then able to mentally store things in your brain for later use? as in remember certain things.

Such as, you spawn a room, with a locked door, and say some words inside that room in the Lucid Dream, then able to “lock” them into your memory and never forget? Things like that i want to find out if its possible.

Whats your opinion?

sort of but I think you can do this easier while you are awake, create the room and visualize and program it

it might not be vivid, but you can still “see” it and you will get better at seeing it as you practice.

for instance its easier to work with memories while meditating (because they just come to you) than while dreaming.

so do you have something you want to remember forever? All you need to do is take those words, and think them once in your mind

now wait and see how long until you forget them, then think them again

do this for a while.

it will get shuffled between short term/long term memory, then repeat it forever over and over like a mantra, for a while
then let it go completely, and do it once a day.
its like “Om”
everyone remembers what “Om” is even if they don’t know much about it, because they hear it about it enough that its in long term.


Or you could just keep a journal, like I do. I recently have been having this foreboding feeling that I’ll forget everything unless I write it down… like I’ll lose all my memories. So I write them in a book and keep it safe so I’ll have them forever.

Thats not what i meant… i do keep a journal.

if you meditate you can’t lose your memories, you will begin to assimilate and sift through them gaining and recovering all sorts of curious things

journals are excellent

i believe the purpose of this exercise is to strongly visualize and create something in order to bring about an effect

right now i put two meaningless things in a door, and so, that effect is there, but i don’t know what it does

to do it right now, just do it, however clear or vague you see it, you can do the same things in your dreams right now while being awake, except, from the third person

if you do this while you are awake then it will happen when you go to sleep and dream.

From reading your post blessedspirit, I got the impression you were suggesting it as a way to store specific memories. Like you could imagine a room go inside and leave something in there. When you want to you could then return to the room and see what is there. Slowly adding more to the room allowing you to have a way of accessing specific memories you have marked by putting in this room.

I did try something I can sort of relate to this. I tried to imagine a notebook in my mind. Where I could write down a thought in a sentence. I would add and remove things from the notepad as I did them. It seemed to have an interesting effect on remembering to do things. I found the most useful thing was the count of how many sentences/thoughts I had recorded in it. I would remember quite easily that there were three things I had ‘written’ there, but I could only remember two of them. I though about it for a while and remembered the 3rd. :happy:

It might actually be possible, but as all memories, dreams also fade sometimes- Which would mean a data-loss, so the data telling what you stored would be erased, and that original memory stored would probably be easier to recover than the small config file telling you which memory it was.

(Sorry for the computer-resemble, but our brain works not too differently)

I believe that certain things you just don’t forget. It may take a while for your memories to return, it just doesn’t mean they are gone or not in your head.

This made me think back to something else: At one point I wondered about ninjas and what they really did. I found out they were big on memories. They could implant memories into people, make them believe things had happened that never did. They could manipulate their victims so they will not remember certain things without some kind of trigger to “snap you out of it”. Through meditation they did soo much. Amazing really.

So locking into a certain memory? Sure no problem. Still it probably is a good idea to keep it written too. Maybe try writing down some kind of code to work as that “trigger” if you don’t want it to be found.

Tried something similar, found a computer and searched it for “photographic memory” and a ton of images flashed on its screen, i then tried to drag the files into a folder i called “my brain” to try unlock some sort of photographic or better memory. Needless to say my failure to specify a particular memory while trying to recover thousands was a bit stupid (wasnt too lucid) and in the end things failed. Still and interesting little experiment.

This is actually a good policy. I’ve read that the human mind remembers locations much easier than other things. You can exploit this by creating a memory house. You accomplish this in waking life by designing a palace/house/hovel in detail, using it to remember minute details.

For example, in my memory palace I created a book case. You populate the book case with things you want to remember, such as A listing of tasks to be accomplished by Thursday by You.

I don’t know if the book case method works because I never bothered to put anything in the book case, but I can attest to the fact that I remember the memory house I built almost 2 years after I made it.

There are other memory tricks, such as creating an image of 7 or more together to get around the difficulty associated with remember more than 7 things.

I had a wee idea myself. Being able to view a TV that plays old dreams.
also, your theory seems possible. If you can imagine it, you can do it.