my thirteen moon program...

i just finished it. i also just put in a request for a page on sourceforge to give it a home. here’s a screenshot of it

[edit] it’s now a java applet, but can still be run as a stand-alone application, to see it running as an applet go to:

and here’s the project page


simply great! its working fine for me and im under 2.6.9-gentoo-dev sources kernel and running gentoo.

nice program

am I going to have to install linux just so I can try it out? :wink:

thx whitewolf… i tried installing gentoo once but i couldn’t figure it out :confused: so i went back to redhat cause i’m lazy, i might have to try again one day

dreamaddict, not at all, don’t let the tarball fool you (winzip can handle them), i wrote it in java so it could be cross-platform, i tested it on my roommates window machine, works just fine :content:

Now that is cool,I was just looking at the 13 moon calender and getting ready to print it out.
This is much better.
Good job!

Wow. You have done an awesome job there Oneiromancer!

:smile: !!!

I’m sooooooooooooo impressed :smile:

Is it okay to link to this up at If so, Let me know what credits, etc, you would like posted up.

The site itself is still a work in progress, but it’s very 13 Moon oriented, and was infact designed as the homepage for our 13 Moon Calendar, Journey of the Peace Train:

Great work!!


PS. It’s running perfectly on my mac too…

BTW. If you decide you wanna add the coding for the tones in the destiny oracle, here is how you would do it. I only mention this, because some of this information is a little harder to find…

Support (analog): the tone remains the same as the central, destiny kin

Guide: the tone is usually the same as the central, destiny kin. However there are two very noteworthy exceptions:
(when the central kin is tone 13, the guide kin is tone 4)
(when the central kin is tone 4, the guide kin is tone 13)

Challenge (antipode): the tone remains the same as the central, destiny kin

Hidden (occult): the tone of the occult kin + the tone of the central, destiny kin = 14

Taking today as an example
Kin 162: White Rhythmic Wind

Support (analog kin): Red Rhythmic Earth
Guide (guide kin): White Rhythmic Wind
Challenge (antipode kin): Yellow Rhythmic Human
Hidden (occult kin): Blue Galactic Storm

To anyone whose interested in reading a kinda good overview of their signature, I would recommend this page. I only recently found out about it: … dings.html

great program! If you have the link from sourceforce to it, i’d be glad to link it on the LD4all dreamspell page :happy: (don’t want to send everybody to your homepage or do you have unlimited bandwidth? )

explora: great oracle link! going to link that one on the LD4all page as well :smile:

wow, i’m glad you guys like it :content:

explora, linking is fine, but if you wanna hold off for just a lil bit…

explora and pasquale, my friend just reminded me that nobody uses applications anymore, everything is web-based, so i’m working on changing it into java applet. it’s really not much (programming-wise) to change an java application into a java applet, but i’m running into some annoying problems, hopefully i’ll have it finished later today. i’m still waiting on my request for a sourceforge page to go through, they say it takes 1-2 days

explora, i didn’t even know that the destiny oracle had tones, i made the program off of the scheme laid out by’s lil printable calendar, and it didn’t mention tones along with destiny kin’s, it may have to wait for a later version though, we’ll see

i’ll keep you posted :yinyang:

Remember to offer a download version, either of the application or of the applet with a page to run it from. :smile:

success :smile:

i updated the download link at the top of this thread to point to the amphibious version of the 13 moon program that can be used as a stand-alone application and a java applet

if someone with more bandwith than me would like to host the applet looks expectantly at pasquale then please feel free :yinyang:

here’s a link to my site running the applet for the sake of redundancy

It’s really slow! :tongue:

how big is it exactly (kb)?

The HTML page is 0.2KB. The JAR file (an archive) is 25.8KB.

The Java Runtime Environment is 15MB for Linux and they have a Windows installer which only download what you need (no idea how large the average installation is).

yeah, what r3m0t said… though since java applets are actually run on the client’s computer the only thing that the webserver has to serve up is the 25kb jar file for the client’s java plugin to execute

in addition to the jar file, you need a directory of all the kin and solar seal gifs which take up about 1.2 megs in all, so it’s really pretty small, the bottleneck is the java run time environment on the client’s PC

i still haven’t heard from the sourceforge people, i hope they approve my request :neutral:

Wow, so large? Where is this directory? I want to see for myself. :tongue:

Older computers often don’t have the JRE although I suppose people on LD4all will have it.

oneiromancer, if sourceforge don’t accept your project (which I doubt) you can try freshmeat.

On my Windows 2k machine … it was a 75MB install! :eh:

If it was a firefox extension, it could be roughly the same size (well, the 1.2MB image files makes the code size negligable) and the install would be only 5MB, plus you get a web browser!

DA are you sure you didn’t download the wrong package? The JRE is not easy to find on Sun’s site. You might have got a development kit as well.

i noticed a bug while playing with my program on my roomate’s comp. i fixed it. people who run the applet on windows machines can now see the graphics displayed on the destiny oracle tab… oops :ack: