my thirteen moon program...

success :smile:

i updated the download link at the top of this thread to point to the amphibious version of the 13 moon program that can be used as a stand-alone application and a java applet

if someone with more bandwith than me would like to host the applet looks expectantly at pasquale then please feel free :yinyang:

here’s a link to my site running the applet for the sake of redundancy

It’s really slow! :tongue:

how big is it exactly (kb)?

The HTML page is 0.2KB. The JAR file (an archive) is 25.8KB.

The Java Runtime Environment is 15MB for Linux and they have a Windows installer which only download what you need (no idea how large the average installation is).

yeah, what r3m0t said… though since java applets are actually run on the client’s computer the only thing that the webserver has to serve up is the 25kb jar file for the client’s java plugin to execute

in addition to the jar file, you need a directory of all the kin and solar seal gifs which take up about 1.2 megs in all, so it’s really pretty small, the bottleneck is the java run time environment on the client’s PC

i still haven’t heard from the sourceforge people, i hope they approve my request :neutral:

Wow, so large? Where is this directory? I want to see for myself. :tongue:

Older computers often don’t have the JRE although I suppose people on LD4all will have it.

oneiromancer, if sourceforge don’t accept your project (which I doubt) you can try freshmeat.

On my Windows 2k machine … it was a 75MB install! :eh:

If it was a firefox extension, it could be roughly the same size (well, the 1.2MB image files makes the code size negligable) and the install would be only 5MB, plus you get a web browser!

DA are you sure you didn’t download the wrong package? The JRE is not easy to find on Sun’s site. You might have got a development kit as well.

i noticed a bug while playing with my program on my roomate’s comp. i fixed it. people who run the applet on windows machines can now see the graphics displayed on the destiny oracle tab… oops :ack:

Hey Oneiromancer…

I can certainly hold off on the linking… I might mention that if you’d find it handy, i can also mirror it on or if that suits…

oh yes one other thing i should mention, is that the Day Out of Time, while neither a day of the week, or part of any moon, does actually have it’s own unique galactic signature. This year’s Day Out of Time (July 25, 2005), will for example be coded by the signature:

Blue Crystal Night

It’s poem begins… “I dedicate in order to dream” :smile: For those who don’t know the Day Out of Time is a day at the end of the year, for universal forgiveness, artistic expression, and global celebration of Peace Through Culture.

There are hundreds and hundreds of parties going on all around the world on this day…


:ack: thanks for pointing that out explora, as of v1.1.1 the day out of time has the proper kin, i updated the applet on my page with v1.1.1 and i edited the first post in this thread to point to downloading this latest version :content:

feel free to mirror away unless you find some more bugs for me to fix

Hehe… Cool Oneiromancer…

I hope I don’t seem too fussy by pointing out these little things. I do it simply, cause I like your program, and would like to help it grow :wink:

I can add some more things that might interest you if you want. I also thought it would be cool to add images for the 7 Plasmas (which replace the Gregorian names for the 7 days of the week)… Have you seen this page:

There are pictures for each of the plasmas there, which I’m sure will work just fine…

Dali - Crown Chakra

Seli - Root Chakra

Gamma - Third Eye

Kali - Sacral Chakra

Alpha - Throat Chakra

Limi - Solar Plexus

Silio - Heart Chakra

For the sake of clarity, I would probably add the information about the 7 Plasmas, and the Chakra each corresponds to above the actual Kin number.

I say this because, Each of the 20 Solar Seals also corresponds to one of five biopsychic centers/chakras as well, depending on it’s grouping in one of five Earth Families…

Hope I’m not freakin everyone out with all the new terms. What is your vision for the program? How do you see it developing?


you’re not being too fussy at all. i am in no way a 13 moon expert so i appreciate you keeping me honest.

i kinda always meant to put the pics for the plasmas in the program, but i was too lazy to look for some, so thanks for the link

my vision for the program… i’d like to get more information on the destiny oracle tab, i couldn’t find too much on the oracle and what it means (that whole oracles having tones thing was news to me as well)

perhaps another tab on how everything relates to chakras… i didn’t know that solar seals themselves were associated with chakras


okay so i finally got a sourceforge page and i made a new release while i’m at it v1.3 now it tells you the phase of the moon enjoy :content:

the applet:

and the project page

great! congrats on making it in sourceforge - i will put a link to that one :content:
Moonphase addition is nice :smile:

Hey yes. Cool new update oneiromancer!

I really like the moonphase addition, and I think hosting it at sourceforge is probably the best thing you can do, since it will give it a nice development space of it’s own, and quite possibly more publicity :smile:

I would also recommend passing the link along to Geoff Stray, who runs the excellent (and very busy) site, Diagnosis 2012. He also maintains links to different Dreamspell as well as Traditional Mayan calendar apps.

Do you think in the future, there is the chance you would be interested in creating a Dream Journal App, synced up to the rhythms of the 13 Moons? I think it would be awesome. I have noticed beautiful patterns and connections by keeping a journal in such a fashion, but am currently editing it in Dreamweaver/HTML… A JOURNAL APPLICATION would be sooo much better.


cool, i’m glad you guys like it :content:

explora, what kinda things did you have in mind for the dream journal app

awesome stuff.

reviving this thread for a few reasons…

1, to ask,
didnt this forum have something like this implimented so that our birthday tzolkin pictograph thing was displayed? if thats not a false memory… why was this feature removed?

2, to ask,
anyone interested in helping develope this as a KDE kicker app, or integrating it with a calendar and clock app for KDE?

3, to generally bow, like i’m not worthy, at the brilliance of it. XD

yes, we did :yes:
at first it was placed on the left of the signature and later a smaller icon was placed under the avatar. The reason it was removed is here…
kin goneth