MY way of seeing the world.

I was inspired by Hubb to write what I think about this thing we call life.

Basically, we’re not here. If you look at modern science, they say energy cannot be created, nor destroyed. Our little minds cannot comprehend nothingness, total and absolute…zilch. It has driven me batty, and to quote Cradle of Filth “I know I’ve seen through the black-backed mirrors in sanity” This whole world kind of makes me a bit crazy! Sometimes I can’t imagine how I came into existance, and why I’m here. Some believe that God made us, but why? There is no reason for existence, after awhile we are forgotten and life goes on without us. Zen masters believe that there is nothing, and there is everything. There is nothing because…there can’t be anything. And there is everything, because we ARE here for some reason. This might be a bit confusing, but I am just typing out what I think in no particular order.

Anyway, who are we to say that this world is ‘real’? I mean come on! What’s to stop us from moving things with our minds, and flying, like in a LD? I just think that people are too set in the ways of the ‘real’ world to look beyond it, to the big question…What is the point of existence?

Just my 2 cents, thanks for reading. :eek:
Feel free to give me an email.

Like the Matrix … hehe :grin:

is it more philosophical to say nothing really exists or to say everything that isn’t real is our reality?

an answer which humors me, is i think, (for those who believe in a higher power) god has omnipotent power, and the power to create, and without god there is nothing. well maybe all of existence exists only in the MIND of a superbeing with a mind large enough to maintain all of this. so that all that happens in the world would actually be actively conceived in the mind of god, much like lucid dreams are for us. this is just an idea i have thought of, not my actual beliefs but its interesting to think about. if i was in a lucid dream, and i had this kind of power, what would i do? i would probably do exactly what this idea of god has in theory done, that is, create a world with inhabitants who i could lead and punish sometimes and reward sometimes, and i could watch them progress and create art and language and etc. just for the purpose of fascinating myself. what if our whole purpose is to create beauty and culture and art for god’s amusement? whew! who’s to say god isn’t just (is “just” appropriate here) a being who’s in a lucid-dream-like state, with enough brain power to create a whole world with physics and billions of people?? anyway those are just some thoughts i havent really committed my belief to them

I actually felt that ever since I was about six years old then recently, when I was 15 or so, someone told me that we exist outside the mind of God. I didn’t realize until then that the view you present and that I believe(ed) was not held by everyone. I think the answer to this question is as useless as the answer to freewill/determinism, however.

Now here’s another question. Are the characters that we create in OUR lucid dreams concious of themselves? Do they have morals a beliefs, are we their God? When we come to the dream world, do they act out our wants and needs in order to please us?

Just a thought.

Hmm interesting theory Dreamscapes. i dunno if you are right or not but i do think that there are different levels of powers and beings. If you ever saw the movie “The Mothman Prophecies” and u were payin attention the one part when hes talkin to the author of the book. The guy tries to explain it by sayin the mothman and other higher level entities do exist but our minds our too simple that it be impossible to understand them. He said “it would be like a person trying to explain something to a cockroach” think about that. Back to the lucid dream thing. so far i still think that all are dream characters normal or lucid are just random creations of our subconscience. Our subconscience remembers everything and has so much information stored than our conscience can bring up normally when we are awake. So in a sense its kinda lik dream characters r lil pieces of subconscience. Created from us and what we’ve learned, add in the chance of randomness, and let our subconscience go to work and we got a dream. But then if thats true why do sum people report their dream characters giving wrong answers to math and things? Is it ok to believe our subconscience which supposeidly stores everything. Maybe if you ask a dream guide questions about things you once knew but forgot they will know it.



Have you ever thought maybe a God exists but not really? (Note: I’m agnostic, I don’t believe in God but I like to ramble on about theories :razz:.) Like perhaps our God(s) exist in our minds only. Everyone has their own personal higher power than somehow dictates how the universe is, that higher power doesn’t haven’t to be a God, it could EVEN be science. (DUN DUN DUN.) Anyway, with all of us believing in logic and logical explanations for our being and the being of others perhaps as whole, us humans and other creatures subconciously manifest a God-like power. The general consensus of this collective almighty being could dictate what happens in our plane. For that to be true you might think that we would ourselves have to be gods, but if you’ve read studies, we don’t even use a full 10% of our brain. Imagine what we could do with all of our brain? And imagine what billions of brains could to subconciously together?

Food for thought and thought for brunch discussion.


Here’s to a Borg-like collective society in which our subconscious minds are combined for the purpose of generating the worlds largest lucid dream, including interactivity with other real people in a shared environment, and complete with all the visual and auditory illusions designed to take our minds off waking reality.

We all have our fantasies, don’t we?

I’d certainly volunteer for a project like that. A world-wide lucid dream…
Like becoming lucid in the “Matrix”…
No agent on that world would stand a chance against me!!!


I like this theory, kinda of reminds me of Waking Life, Its like there is a god and heaven, but most are afraid of it and simply ignore it not accepting the thought that they are dead(YOU!). So heaven and hell are frozen within time and just simply ignored. But i like to think of it as we are own gods b/c we have the power that most doesnt understand that exists.